Start from the beginning

ZEP- Is it all about ghouls?

ZACK- Yea, this whole book is about the ghouls, their facts and some stories.

ZEP- Oh, so which ghoul might have attacked your parents?

ZACK- Definitely, The Mind Ghoul

ZEP- How are you so sure?

ZACK- Because when I saw them, they were not dead, they were stabbing knives at each other.

ZEP- But you said that, when you removed their hearts, they stopped. But doesn't they control by brains?

ZACK- Hmm, you are right. Maybe that ghoul felt my presence and ran away. 


ZACK- (putting his hand on his head) So many questions are coming to my mind!!! Why he targetted my parents? Is he behind me? What's his next move?

ZEP- (puts her hand on his shoulder) Don't worry, we will find your answers soon.

ZACK- I hope so (sensed something) Something is approaching this room

ZEP- What is it?

ZACK- Shhhhhhh, stay behind me

*Zep took cover behind Zack. Suddenly, the door and Zep's Mom came with a chainsaw in her hand. *

ZEP- MOM!!!!!!

ZACK- F**k!!!!!

*Her mom approached Zep with the chainsaw to slash her. Zack pushed Zep away and took the slash, which cut Zack into 2. *


ZACK- (in pain) Don't worry about me!! Just run out of this room!!!

*Zep stood up and ran downwards in fear. She exits the house and found Rohan on the doorstep. *

ROHAN- Zep, you don't look good to me. What happened?

ZEP- (in fear) M-My mom tried to attack me with a c-c-chains-saw. She sliced Zack into 2!!! Help me!!

ROHAN- Oh no, I should have come earlier (created an axe using his dead cells) Let's go

*Rohan entered the house and saw his mom fighting with Zack. When Zack fell, Rohan jumped and removed her mom's head from the body. *

ZEP- (fell on her knees) M-Mom.....

ROHAN- Zack, you okay?

ZACK- I am good.....but Zep......

*Zep held her mom's head and hugged it tightly. And then started crying so hard. *

ZACK- Uh, I need blood. me.....

ROHAN- (took some blood in his hand and helped Zack in drinking)

ZACK- (after regenerating) Zep.....

ZEP- Zack.....My mom.....she.....she...

*She dropped her head in fear, ran towards Zack and hugged him tightly. *

ZACK- (hugs in return) Don't panic, everything will be alright, everything will be fine (sensed something) Rohan, I hear some siren noise

ROHAN- Me too, it sounds like police are coming, and it's approaching here.......

*Suddenly the door opens and officers enter the house with pistols in their hands. *

OFFICER- Freeze!!!! Don't move!!!!

"Damn it, how they came here?"

ROHAN- Zack (pointing him towards up) in 3, 2,1, NOW!!!!

*Zack created a cover around Zep and jumped upwards, tearing roofs. The officers started shooting up. Zack got hit by one bullet but still managed to escape the place. Rohan tried to dodge the bullets and ran from the back door. Both escaped from different routes to escape the police. After a few mins of flying and jumping, Zack reached a warehouse. *

"Uh, I think we both are safe here. Bruh, that mind ghoul came again. What's happening??"

*Someone walks inside the warehouse, dressed in a white suit, katana on his back and an Uzi in his hand. *

?????- Zack, finally we met!!!

ZACK- Huh?

ZEP- (still scared) Uh, who's he?

ZACK- I don't know, who are you?

?????- Haha, you don't know me? I am Shawn, a senior officer from District-6 Police Department

ZACK- Police? How you tracked me?

SHAWN- The bullet you got hit had a GPS tracker

ZACK- Uh, what do you want from me?

SHAWN- I want you, Zack. Come with me, I can help you in your life. Why kill such innocent people?

ZACK- Bruh, I haven't killed someone, and she's my girlfriend, Zep, who got attacked by a Ghoul.

ZEP- Yes officer, he saved my life.

SHAWN- That's good.

ZACK- You done? Now leave us alone

SHAWN- Zack, come with me. I promise we won't do anything to you and your girlfriend. You are not in a good state right now.

ZACK- I am totally fine. Leave us alone

SHAWN- Sorry then (took out his katana) I have to take you forcefully with me.

ZACK- You wanna fight?

SHAWN- You can say it like that, after all, I like to fight with demons.

ZACK- Zep, go there in the corner

ZEP- But Zack?

ZACK- Don't worry about me. I need to tell him how big a mistake he's about to do.

SHAWN- Will see

*Zep went to the corner. Zack and Shawn both were in their fighting position. *

SHAWN- Lemme show you what humans can do

ZACK- And I'll also show you what demons can do

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