Hiddin thoughts

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Not once noticing the pair of eyes starring at you.


Shinchiro POV-

I was talking to Mrs. Toma about what her plan was for me helping her move in seeing if there was anything else I could do while she waited for someone

"Is there anything I could do for now until your friend comes?" I asked making sure to be polite

The old lady chuckled "im not waiting for my friend I'm waiting for the girl that I also asked to help me she lives alone across from me, so I thought she could use some company for a while"

My eyes shot open a little more when I heard girl. Maybe I put my moves on her and finally get a girlfriend! I thought to myself getting excited to see the mystery girl.

Not to long after the doorbell rang Mrs. Toma was in the restroom so I just answered the door. "Coming I got the door miss!" I yelled to Mrs. Toma taking my time to get to the door

Opening up the door I came face to face- no I had to bend my neck but I came to face to face with a beautiful young girl with what seemed to be a Highschool uniform.

She was absolutely gorgeous almost like an Angel her beautiful dull e/c eyes staring at me, her eye brows slightly furrowed with lovely s/c skin. She has h/c h/l hair that swayed in the slight breeze.

She didn't even look like and Angel she looked like a goddess.

Beauty like that should not be seen by everyone it needs to be seen my those worthy. Too keep that beauty for only me to see, to lock it away from everyone else.


The more time that takes guy looked at you and kind of talked to you the more you got chills. Like if something wasn't right, but you can't figure out why, I man he looks like a decent guy.


"Welcome Y/N it's so nice to see you dear! Thank you for coming to help me" Mrs. Toma said to you.

You smiled at her feeling your nervousness wither away and a sense of peace come over you.

"Of course it's not problem at all Mrs. Toma it gives me something to do" you said letting down your smile but having an eye smile.

"So what should we start with first I have to go to school In an hour or 2" you asked looking around seeing boxes all around with different labels.

"Oh don't worry dear this shouldn't take more than hour. Could you please talk the boxed labeled 'bedroom' upstairs please. And Shinchiro would you be a dear and also Bering the box labeled 'bathroom' upstairs as well!" She said looking at us both with a heart felt smile.

You looked at her and gave her a slightly genuine smile. But it soon wiped off your face when you realized the other guy has to go up there with you alone.

Taking a side glance you saw him faintly blushing. 'Does this damn dude likes grandmas or does he get flushed really easily from absolutely nothing?' You thought to yourself silently judging him with your eyes.

Sighing you made your way to the boxes seeing there were 3 boxes in total.
Not wanting to take three trips up the stair you decided to carry two boxes at the same time stacked on each other and take the other one after you take those two upstairs.

Stacking the two boxes you slowly picked it up. Let just say it was heavy as fuck. Your legs started to shake a little but you soon you were standing up fully with two boxes in your hands.

'God damn what does Ms. Toma have in these boxes, it's like ic carrying whole ass bricks.' You thought to your self.

From the corner of your eye you could see both Ms. Toma and the creep looking at you with a shocked face.

Ignoring them you slowly started to make your way up the stairs that just happened to be very small. Slowly but surely you did step my step up the stairs while also hearing someone right behind you. You guessed it was Shinchiro.

Finally you made it to the top of the stairs looking for the bedroom and plopping the boxes on the floor with a thud.

Letting out a breath you didn't even think you were holding.

Soon you felt as though someone was watching you, turning your head quickly you saw the very tall man Shinchiro at the doorway holding a small smile.

You furrowed your eyebrows at his sudden appearance.

"You good? I know those boxes were pretty heavy" he asked not seeming as weird and nervous as before. Maybe you were wrong about him.

Deciding to just be friendly you just nodded and gave a small smile to him "ah yes it was a little heavy but not that much" lies that shit almost broke your back.

He smiles back at you innocently

Unknown to you the hidden thoughts he holds

Shinchiro's POV-

Oh god she looks so fucking pretty.

Her uniform fits perfectly against her body, her legs look so beautiful her s/c skin looks so soft. I want to touch her and hold her.

I know how heavy those boxes were down stairs, to be honest I thought she was just some petite young lady but I guess I was wrong.

I don't mind though she is even more sexy now, I like my girl tuff.

A/n: OMG hey guys😍 it's been way too long what the flip I've been so busy guys I do sport medical and I work longer than I thought. I could literally have been writing instead of patching up some stupid ass football players 😔.
Anyways thank you guys for 7k reads! That if like a lot thanks for the support and funny comments I love reading them. Even if I do reply a little late sorry!
Hope you guys enjoy today's chapter and I will do my best to update more!

Words- 1033

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