The two boys - part 2

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"You guys didn't answer my other question how did you get hurt?" You said while unlocking the door to your house and showing them in. "Well we got into a fight because this guy from another gang messed with one of our gang members" the blonde boy named chifuyu said rather calmly


You stopped dead in your tracks. How the hell could you let two random people you barely met into your house. Not to mention that they are in a fucking gang. Your not tryna get into that weird shit anymore.

"That's cool I guess" you tried to say as calm as possible. Now what do you do? You can't kick they sorry asses out now they know where you live. What are they going to do? They are injured they can't fight like that. It doesn't help that they looked at you suspiciously. Fuck your life.

Okay calm down Y/N they won't hurt you I mean they are injured whats the worse they could do?
There cripple asses can't even walk straight.

"Okay so who want to go first?" You asked as you go to your room and bring out the medical supplies. You always have medical supplies because you do stupid things and because of people tryna mess with you.

"I'll go first!" Of course that Baji boy wants to go first. Thinking he all that and shit. But you guess you had no other choice.

"Okay I need to put some alcohol one your wounds it might sting a little." You gently started to apply the alcohol until
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT MOTHER OF GOD" Baji yelled right in your ear.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND CALM DOWN YOU YELLED IN MY DAMN EAR" you were really mad who would yell that loud in someone damn ear. He ain't a fucking Chihuahua!
"Hey hey calm down Baji!" Chifuyu said with his sweat dropping.

You and chifuyu finally got Baji to calm down, and finished bandaging him up.
"Wow Y/N you actually did a good job I'm impressed" Baji said while smiling showing his sharp canines. Wow so nice you thought with a little tick mark on you head. But damn he got some nice ass teeth.
Looks like a vampire but it's alright

Getting cut of from your thought you remembered that chifuyu was still injured.

"Oh I'm sorry chifuyu let's wrap you up"
"Oh thank you so much Y/N!" He said smiling. Wow he is kinda cute. You just want to get this over with though.
Coming back from your thoughts you started to treat him. He looked to be more injured then Baji, so it took a little longer then you had thought.
It was already so late
11:07 pm

"Thank you very much Y/N" chifuyu said giving you such a bright smile.
Oh my
You've never seen someone smile that. Bro is like the sun wtf

To smile like that, like if nothing mattered anymore. Something someone like you could only dream of.

"So Y/N can we stay the night over its already late and I'm hungry" Baji said while getting comfortable on your couch. Your jaw dropped. This fucker thinks this is his damn house?

You were hoping you heard him wrong but sadly you didn't. It's okay you just have to make up a excuse that will work right?
"Sorry guys I have uh stuff to do you know?" You said hoping they would believe your bullshit of a lie
"What kind of stuff?" They both asked

Well shit. You hate them so much fucking much right now. Cant they take a hint? It's not that fucking hard

"Uh homework? And I have to uh clean the dishes."You said acting like you weren't tryna get rid of them

They both went downstairs to your kitchen while you quickly followed behind them.
What the hell do they think there doing?

"And where are those dishes? Baji asked sternly
"I hate my fucking life" you mumbled under your breath

"Oh yah I meant to say I need to wash my clothes. You know there is a whole process and stuff."you said feeling your anger slowly rise

"Yeah whatever you say. So can we stay or not?" Baji said menacingly while  chifuyu was right next to him smiling awkwardly.

This motherfucker-

Finally admitting defeat you said yes.
"Alright bet got any yakisoba?" Baji said while rummaging around your kitchen.
"Yah right in the cabinet next to the fridge" you said while sitting on your couch feeling your soul leave your body.

"Hey Y/N sorry for intruding your house but would you mind if I cooked something for you to say thank you? With whatever you have you have in your fridge if that is okay with you?"

Wowzers he is really nice you guess
Unlike wanna be hair model over there.


Sorry for the short chapter I have so much fucking homework I wanna kms😍

Word check- 833

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