Its time

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"My Name is Takashi Mitsuya. Please call me Mitsuya."


You were in daze by his kindness towards you even though you both had just met.
You were about to reply until you saw that Chifuyu and Baji were awake.
Mother fuckers

"Ugh what time is it?" Baji said in a deep groggy voice.
"It's 12 o'clock....Guys we are late to the meeting!" Chifuyu yelled. You were confused what the hell was he talking about?

"What meeting?" You couldn't help but blurt out. They all stayed silent and just looked at you with a rather serious face.

You'll beat the shit out of them if the don't answer you

"Does she know?" Mitsuya asked silently to the two boys
"Yeah she does" they both said simultaneously. Well shit what the hell are they talking about you don't understand any of the stuff they are saying.
"Should we bring her?" Chifuyu asked the other two.
"Does she even know Mikey? Mitsuya asked
"Um I don't think so. But I mean everyone knows Mikey or at least heard of him." Baji replied to the two

Who the hell is Mikey? Do they mean Mickey Mouse? That shit scared you as a child

"Should we ask?" Mitsuya whispered.
You were starting to get really annoyed you just want to the what the hell they were talking about!
"Yeah we should she is still injured and we don't know if those gang members know where so lives. Chifuyu said. They all nodded

Man fuck all these hoes you out

You were starting to get up to go take a shower when they called you.
"Wait Y/N you wouldn't happen to know of any one named Mikey or at least heard of him?" Mitsuya asked.
'Who the hell is mikey' you thought to yourself. You had no idea who Mikey or Mickey was but one thing for sure you needed to change you bandages. You had started bleeding as soon as you got up.

"No? I have never heard of that name now if you will excuse me I need to- UGH." You stopped half way feeling your cuts re-open .
Your head started to spin you could feel yourself start to fall you waited for the impact but you felt nothing. Huh? You didn't hit the ground.

What the fuck did you learn how to levitate or something?
You opened your eyes to see Baji holding you with a worried look on his face.
Why did he look worried? It felt weird something in you started to bubble up. You hated that new feeling.

"Hey Y/N stay with me now!" Baji yelled
He looked towards Mitsuya for some help but he looked just as worried and frozen.
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
Chifuyu phone was ringing.
You started to stand up trying to ignore the pain. Baji still latched on to you trying to keep you steady so you won't fall.

"It's Draken" Chifuyu said with a hint of worry in his voice.
Who is Draken? Who are these weird people?
"Guys we need to go now Draken doesn't seem so happy we have to bring Y/N she clearly is not in a good state." Chifuyu said seriously
"But Chifuyu you know it's dangerous!" Mitsuya argued back
"What choice do we have? She is bleeding out again and is hardly even conscious. What will happen to her if we leave!?" Chifuyu yelled back

The room went still with your breathing slowly getting back to normal.
"Please just take me with you. I don't want to be alone again." You said quietly but loud enough for them to hear.

Their eyes widened. They were lost for words you looked so vulnerable so defenseless. There mind slowly started to go where it shouldn't go but they quickly put away their thoughts when Draken started calling again.

"Okay guys we need to go now Mitsuya bring the damn first aid we will treat her at the shrine!" Baji yelled
They quickly got all the stuff with you on Baji's back and started to head towards the shrine.

He smells nice what the hell does he use?

10 minutes later

They finally made it to the shrine out of breath from running so fast. You were still on Baji's back but you were still bleeding but it got worse from all the movement.
How the fuck are you bleeding if you were not even the one running? How the hell does gang work!?

You looked towards the other boys to see they were in a uniform? Even Baji was when the hell did they change?

"Are you ready Y/N" Mitsuya suddenly spoke out. Huh? Ready for what?
"What do you mean Mitsuya?" You asked trying to figure out what you had missed while trying to also ignore the pain.
"You will be meeting our gang today" he said while smirking.
Your mouth dropped, how the hell did you end up at a gang meeting!?! You were just trying to use the damn bathroom.

Those assholes! You didn't want to meet a damn gang! But what could you do? Your wound started to bleed even more.

Maybe you could just dip without them noticing. It won't be that hard

"Shit, will you at least wrap me up once inside?" You asked hoping that after they bandage you up that you can dip.

"Why of course Y/N just count on us" Mitsuya said with a bright smile.
And just like that we were heading up the stairs. Where not even you know what will happen

You just wanted to kys right now

At that time you didn't know but you fate was set. There was no turning back now.

You had made it to the gang meeting.

My my it's been a long time hasn't it? I've been busy I'm sorry I haven't updated I hope you are liking the story so far:)

Word count- 989

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