Let's go play

439 22 6

"We're fucked. Run."


You immediately booked it for the second door in the back of the classroom

But as soon as you slammed open the door running out of the classroom, large hands forcefully grabbed you and yanked you up Into the air.

You let out a surprised scream


You immediately started to thrash around to try and get of their grip.

You couldn't see who grabbed you as you were faced away from them but you could tell it was a man my his hands and how extremely tall he was.

You were dangling over the ground.

Suddenly he started moving and now you were facing Takemitchi

But that Mickey Mouse guy was next to him too with an arm over him.

You stopped thrashing around and turned as pale as a ghost

You could feel your soul leave your body as you saw him give you ominous smile.
People may think it's a sweet smile but you could tell my his eyes that it was from sweet.

But more..


"Put her down Draken. But make sure she doesn't go anywhere" the blonde guy said smiling.

You were still in the air and nothing happened for a minute. But then the man holding you slowly put you down on the ground gently.

But he kept a strong grip on you still like he knew you were figuring out how to escape this situation.

You looked at Takemichi, he looked like he was going to pass out any second from being so scared.

"Why don't we go play guys!" Mikey said smiling at me and Takemichi.

"B-but we have school" Takemichi said nervously smiling but was immediately shut down with a glare by mikey.

"Let's go guys!" Mikey said starting to drag Takemichi more into the hallways and Draken just dragging you into the hallway since you didn't want to move.

You looked up seeing all you upperclassmen bruised and beat up on the ground.
You furrowed your eyebrows and then looked behind you at Draken then at his hands.

You looked up as him seeing him grinning.
He beat up the upperclassman

"HUH? A-all out 3rd years wiped out. Hey what is all that!? Takemichi asked nervously pointing at them.

Draken grinned "Huh? All that well this is a school so I schooled them."

Takemichi gulped trying to play it off but you could tell he was stressing out.

"Alright all you wimps line up and lie down on your stomachs, and no big gaps between you wimps. This is going to you more than it's going to hurt me." Draken let go of you and pushed you towards Takemichi.

As soon as he let go he started stepping on all the 3rd years like stepping stones.
And Mikey as well.

You could hear the grunts from your upperclassman. You felt bad for them.

You and Takemichi slowly walked by them awkwardly just wanting to get this over with

You decided just to go with them so no one gets hurt or things get harder than they should be. But if you do get the chance you definitely will make a run for it.

Yandere Tokyo revengers.!.!The girl who brought lifeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن