See you soon Doll~

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He chuckled "What a beautiful name you have~ But I do prefer doll for you. You are just as beautiful as one~♥︎"

Your glare hardened. Does he take you as a fucking joke?

"Well doll my name is-"


A loud bang was heard from the distance. You flinched from the loud noise. You looked up to see the tall man with a serious face.
Something felt wrong like if you both were in danger from something or someone. He looked down at you as he noticed you were looking at him.
"Get out of here now" he said coldly looking at you signaling to you that he was serious.
You got up quickly getting ready to run out of their but you froze your a second. You sensed 3 people around the corner

You immediately got chills and started walking backwards slowly.
Why is this feeling getting worse? You hate this.

You looked back at the tall man hoping he would know what to do. "Y/N listen to me. Go hop the fence in the back and run and don't stop." He said. You nodded and started walking to the back of the alley to the fence. You heard the footsteps getting closer.
Why the hell are you even listening to him? Is it because of bad gut feeling? Shit why can't you figure this dumb shit out!

You picked up your pace. You started climbing the fence when you heard a deep voice. You couldn't make out what they were saying because of the fear in your body.

Ş̸̜̦̦̦̓́̐̈́͆̅̇̚è̷̛̗̳͚̙͇̘͍͕̊̑̿͘͜è̷̛̗̳͚̙͇̘͍͕̊̑̿͘͜ y̶̡͕̮͇͖͕̮̳̲̓ō̵̝̭͙̊ų̷͕̙͚͖̲̱̐̒̀̆̎̈͜ s̷̠͕̪̥͐̌ō̵̝̭͙̊ō̵̝̭͙̊n̸͉̠̘̲̼̼̩͗͒̕͝͝ d̶͇͆̓̂̆͌͛͠ō̵̝̭͙̊l̶̘̫͚͎̟̙̺̼̦͈̋̽̔l̶̘̫͚͎̟̙̺̼̦͈̋̽̔

You hoped the fence and fell to the ground. You were in a lot of pain from your injuries but decided to still run just like the tall man said.
You realized he never told you his name, but that didn't matter to you. You just needed to get home.

5 minutes later

You made it home out of breath. You pulled out your keys jumbling then around trying to get the house key. You opened the door and closed it quickly locking the door in a cold sweat.
You dropped to ground from the non-stop running.
You looked down at the floor with no expression at all.

You couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. You heard foot steps and looked up to see Chifuyu and Baji they looked worried. You forgot they were in your house, but you were glad that you were not alone right know still a bit shaken from earlier.
Wait why the hell are you even thinking this bullshit?

"Where the hel-" Baji stopped after seeing you all beaten up with fresh cuts and bruises on your body and what looked like a fractured ankle. For some reason Baji was angry he wanted to kill who ever did that to you. Who would do this to his sweet Y/N? He was snapped out of his thoughts when Chifuyu started to speak

"Y-Y/N what happened to you!?" Chifuyu said with wide eyes looking at you with worry in his voice.
"Oh hey guys" you said nervously laughing feeling a scary aura coming from Baji.
"Hey guys?" Baji said with anger in his voice. " you fucking come back with cuts and bruises all over you and you say that shit!?" Baji pulled you by your shirt while yelling at you.
"Baji calm down, She is hurt!!" Chifuyu said pulling him off of you

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