Something eerie

937 36 11

4 people who were more than interested in you.Three of them haven't even met you, but your just so perfect


Time skip~

You were walking home with your hands in your pocket recalling the memories of you fucking around with those so called gang members. A lazy grin was soon visible on your face.

You decided to walk to the store quickly to get yourself a bowl of ramen.

But on your walk there you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. It's like someone was watching you. Picking up your pace to get to the store faster you finally made it.

You slightly calmed down but still felt that uneasy feeling. Thinking it was just your imagination you decided to ignore it but still kept your guard up. Entertaining the store the cashier greeted you with a warm smile. You gave back a smile that didn't seem to reach your eyes.

Looking around the store for a bowl of ramen you stopped in the back of the store where all the ramen was. You heard something fall in the other isle and peeked your heard to the other side to what is was that had fallen.

Looking down your saw a knife on the floor, you started looking around to see if this belonged to anyone but no one was there.

It didn't scare you that there was a knife on the ground. But what made your heart quicken was the fact that you checked every isle and no one was there.
In fact no one else was in the store except you and the cashier who stood at the counter the whole time.

And even if he did move your would have noticed instantly. You gut was yelling at you to get out of there right now.

Quickly you picked out f/r (favorite ramen) and started to walk to the counter slowly trying not give off the fact that you were slightly scared.

Putting the stuff down on the counter you started to get out your wallet
"Is this all ma'am?" The cashier said smiling down at you.

Something about his smile was very off but you just couldn't figure out why. This was the first time you ever met this man.
Now that you think about it you always go to this convince store but you have never seen this man working here.

Thinking it was new you hire you just brushed it off
"That is all" you said looking up at him with your dull e/c eyes

For a second you could have sworn his eyes changed from happy to this uneasy mischievous glint in his eyes. He held this smirk on his but it all disappeared in a second.

"That will be ¥420 cash or card?" He asked clicking smiling.

Taken aback by what you saw just second ago you stayed quite for a second before mumbling out that you would paying with cash.

Putting down ¥1000 he gave you back your change slightly gliding his hands on your cold hands. You saw him visibly flinch then smile. Retreating your hands and putting the money back in your pocket you started to walk out of the door hearing the man say a small Goodbye.

But the goodbye felt off like if hinting that he would see you again. Not answering you made your way outside

Back at the store

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