The meeting

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At that time you didn't know but you fate was set. There was no turning back now.

You had made it to the gang meeting.


The Shrine went silent as soon as you guys walked in.
Whispers were heard
"Who the hell is that whore?"
"Why is there a girl here"
"What's Baji doing with a Bitch?"
These comments were really starting to piss you off you.

They think your a bitch? Oh they wanna bitch? They will get a fucking bitch. You get ready to fight but stopped at new voice.

"SILENCE!" You heard someone yell you looked towards the voice but you were met with so many eyes you couldn't tell who it was.
You flinched from the all eyes

That voice. It brought such dread to you, you couldn't figure out why you felt so terrified?

"Ugh my stomach" you groaned letting go of that unknown feeling you just felt

Baji looked at you and decided to let you down from his back but still held you close to him. Just to make sure you didn't fall.
The blood started to show through your clothes

Well Hot diggity shit

All eyes were on you. But something felt wrong
You couldn't put your finger on it but the air felt oddly thick.

Well you are a whole ass gang meeting with people you don't know. And for sure you don't want to know.

"Baji who is this girl and why is she injured?"A man that had a dragon tattoo on his temple said with a stern voice
Damn that must of hurt but that tattoo is cool as hell

Shit you tryna get a tattoo like that well without getting half bald of course

You notice Baji looking down at you like if he was asking you for permission for something.
You just nodded

Why the are you nodding if you have no Idea what the mick diggity fuck is going on right now.

He just sighed

"This girl had found us when we had gotten into a little fight and helped us out. She helped us but when she brought us back to her house." Baji said trailing off to the lest the information sink in

"And what else?" Another boy said. He was rather short and had medium length hair with a little pony tail.

What's up with all these damn blondes

"Well she went to go get some stuff at night to cook us some stuff but when she came back she was severely injured. I believe she met him" Baji's voice went deadly serious at the end

First off you were not gunna cook for shit and who the hell is him? Do they even know who him is?

Shit he could there long lost dad at this point

You felt a chill run down your spine.
Now if everyone wasn't looking at you before they sure as hell were now.
You heart started to thump from all the eyes on you.

You hate it when people looked at you like if you were a piece at a museum

"So miss what is your name?" The dragon head asked you. Well more like demanded.

Well aren't they just so fucking nice

"It's Y/N" you said slowly going behind Baji to protect you from all the eyes.
Baji chuckled at your action

'This ain't funny wanna be hair model' you thought ticked off over the fact that you felt so scared right now

You've never been so scared before. Shit you hardly feel anything

"So Y/N Chan what happened before you came running back to your home all injured huh?" The short blonde said.

Hold that damn phone
Did he just call you Y/N Chan? The hell you just met him. You were deep in though until Mitsuya slightly nudged your shoulder. You looked up to see him smiling at you. You smiled back.

Fake ass mother fuckers

"Well I met a man who saved me. He seemed rather tall and lengthy he had brownish black hair with a blonde streak he also had a tattoo on both of his hands. One said Sin the other said Punishment. He kept calling me doll. What a perv." You said shivering at the thought of him

He kinda reminds you of Nishinoya? Well with more height

Everyone's eyes widened the aura may have been dark already but it turned even darker. You felt like you were suffocating.
You just wanted to go home

"What was his name."  The short hair said with such a serious voice he looked like he could kill.

Wish you could kill your self right now though

"Man I don't know he only knows my name-" you started but started coughing. You looked down at your hand to see blood.

"Shit" was all you could Mutter out before everything went dark.

Mitsuya POV:

"Shit" Y/N said and she just passed out

My eyes widened
"Quick bring her up to the stairs!" I yelled frantically
How the hell did this happen? I treated her correctly didn't I?
No I'm so damn stupid I waited to long to re-bandage her wounds. She was already bleeding it was showing through her shirt!

Damnit Y/N why didn't you tell us!
My thoughts were stopped when Baji yelled my name.
"Mitsuya get your fucking ass over here! She won't stop bleeding" Baji yelled he seemed so scared.
I've never heard Baji sound like that.
I don't like this feeling what if he likes her? But why do I feel so mad about it?
I quickly put away those thoughts running towards Y/N.

"Take of her shirt I can't treat her whole wound with her shirt on!" Shit I must have sounded like a pervert but that didn't matter as long as Y/N got better.

Everyone went silent. Well I guess I'll just do it my self
I took of her shirt carefully trying not make the bleeding worse.
My eyes widened s-she was wearing a laced bra her skin looked so smooth and soft.
I looked away quickly but no one else looked away though. All eyes were on Y/N I looked at Mikey but he was no help him and Draken where a blushing mess so was Baji and chifuyu!
It's not like I'm any different though my body felt hot from just looking at her.

"Get your heads out of the gutter she is bleeding out! Someone bring me my supplies!" I yelled.
Chifuyu scrambled to go get my supplies. He came back rather quickly.

"Draken your strong come over here I need you to make sure she stays still if she wakes up!" I hate the fact of Draken touching her but we had no other choice.

He looked hesitant at first but then he started to come over to us
Please Y/N keep breathing I just met you, you can't die! Live, live for me Please

Hey y'all I'm back again I've been on writers block💀 it doesn't help that I'm on art block as well. Good news though my art project won first place at school! Fuvking hate that place but oh well

Word count- 1206

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