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Tsukishima's pov:
Oh god, please tell me they didn't see them, please tell me they didn't see them. Please please please. I kept repeating in my head over and over again.

"Why, Tsukishima? Why do you feel the need to hurt yourself so bad?" Suga said crying, "I- " I couldn't speak. But why would they care? Who knows what they want from me. Maybe black mail.

"Why does it matter huh?" I asked "If you want to be in my more personal info then you might as well stop trying." I stated, "What? What are you talking about?" Noya asked.

I hope they don't think I'm stupid. "Tsukishima we have a right to know! We're a team and whatever goes on in your fucking life! Will affect the WHOLE team! So stop trying to act all tuff and put up walls because we're sick of it!" A member of the team screamed.

Everyone's faces were blurry. Why can't I see them? I'm just acting stupid. "Look. Don't act like it is doing much damage damnit! We all know that the team would be fine with! Or without me! So why would it matter if my game isn't up to level? Honestly if it's really a problem then kick me the fuck out!"

I cover my mouth quickly. What the hell! Im such a fucking dumbass. I push pass the blurred faces and run out the door, I hear calls but they're far behind me. "Ignore them. Ignore them. Ignore them." I said to myself repeatedly.

Running farther I come across a stump in the woods, surrounded by flowers and little critters. I walk up and sit down, looking at the scenery.

"Wow." I said barely above a whisper. I sit down and lean against the stump, The critters crawl all over me. Some bitting me to see if I was food.

"TSUKISHIMA!" "TSUKI!!" "SALTY-SHIMA?!" I hear what I assume are my teammates shout. I curl up and try hiding even more.

The pit pats of footsteps nearing the area I was in only a few minutes ago. I curl up farther. Why me? I stayed there for hours, and ended up falling asleep.

This chapter thing is done!

The sun and me. HinaTsuki storyWhere stories live. Discover now