chapter 13- A suprise visit

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Missing people can cause them to come back.

a few weeks later

Atlas' Pov

Silas and I were back at home and the girls were at Felix's house for the weekend.

I was sick to my stomach and throwing up relentlessly.

Silas had gone to the store to get me some meds and powerade.

he came back and placed a bag on the counter,and sat on the floor with me.

"Baby,I'm here now...I got you some powerade and doritos and... a pregnancy test." Silas says rubbing my head.

"Gimme." I say trying to grab his face.

Silas got up and handed me the pregnancy test and walked out the bathroom.

I stared at it  and sighed,I mean having another kid wouldn't be so bad.

I take the pregnancy test and sit it on the counter and wait.

I look at it and cover my mouth in shock.

I stare at the two blue lines fighting tears.

I open the bathroom door and stare at Silas my face stained with tears.

"what's wrong Atlas?" my husband questions hugging me.

"'s positive." I say softly into his chest.

"Hey,Atlas look at me." he says holding my shoulders.

I sniffled back tears as I looked him in the eyes.

"I'm not mad or anything,This is good news alright." Silas reassured me and I nodded wiping away tears.

"We'll get through this together My love." Silas says hugging me again.

I hug him back finally relaxing.

Silas cooks food for us while I'm getting cleaned up.

I walk downstairs to the scent of Mac and cheese.

we sit and eat on the couch,then there was a knock on the door.

Silas git up to  see who it was  and I followed behind.

he opened the door and my jaw dropped.

"A-Alex?" I muttered as my best friend was standing right in frount of me ALIVE?!?

"Hey Atlas,I-" I cut her off by hugging her tightly.

"How about you two come inside." Silas says and I released Alex from my grip.

We walked inside and sat on the couch and then Alex explained what happened.

"So you're probably wondering how I'm alive,well that day that you found me and carried me to the nurse I ended up slipping into a coma which made it seem like I was dead but I wasn't,when my parents met me at the hospital the doctors found that I was in a coma,I was in a coma for about 7 years until I woke up a few years ago...I was able to hunt you down with my connections in the FBI....and now I'm here." Alex explained and I was shocked.

"Well that's alot to take in." Silas says with wide eyes.

"Well while you were quote on quote dead,we managed to make Rebecca turn herself into the police." I explain and Alex nods.

"I'm guessing that the scar is from Rebecca?" she asked and I nodded.

"Well you got to catch me up on all that I missed." Alex says smiling at us.

I can't believe my best friend since elementary school is alive and well.

We talked for about 3 hours talking about what happened while Alex was in her coma.

Soon the girls were dropped off by Felix and we introduced them to Alex.

Cody was a bit standoffish at frist but soon warmed up to her.

Alex told us that she lives a few blocks down from us and that we could visit anytime and to bring the girls over some time.

Aurora was knocked out in about 20 minutes of Alex leaving.

Cody on the other hand was keeping to herself Alex's entire visit.

Silas put Aurora to bed while I gave Cody a bath.

"Mama,why do you look tired and gross?" Cody asked me looking to the side.

"Because you and your sister are getting a little brother or sister soon along with the fact that my best friend is back." I sigh and Cody nods

These kids have no filter whatsoever.

I finish giving Cody a bath and try to dry her off but she refuses me to do so.

"Cody let me dry you off before you catch a cold." I sigh chasing Cody down the hall way.

"No! The towel feels weird!" She shouts from down the hall.

I just bought these towels now I'm going to have to buy new ones for Cody.

"Alright we can dry you off in one of your old towels just stop running." I pant and she walks over to me patting my head as I sit on the floor to catch my breath.

"Go get your other towel and quit that." I say waving her hand away.

She giggles and walks away to her room.

I dry her off with her towel and dress her for bed.

"Alright Cody what book do you want to read?" I question the 2 year old laying in her bed.

"Great Expectations." she says excitedly.

"Alright Cody but only chapter 1 and 2." I say and she nods.

I read her the book and she falls asleep soon after.

I turn off her light and close her door leaving it slightly open for her.

I meet Silas in our room and I find him reading a book in bed,his hair wet.

"There's my princess come her." he says looking up from his book and putting it down on his nightstand.

I crawl into his arms and rest my head on his chest as he plays with my hair.

"I scheduled you your frist appointment for next week." Silas says and I Hum in response.

"Cody knows but we need to tell everyone else."  I sigh and Silas kissed the top of my head.

"Just know that we'll get through this together Alright?" Silas says softly before pecking my lips.

"I know love,we'll get through it together." I say holding out my pinky and Silas locks his pinky with mine.

"together forever." Silas and I say in unison.

we soon fall asleep in each other's grasp.

I'm woken up to Aurora snuggled up next to me and Silas along with Cody.

"what's wrong you two?" I rasp out.

"We heard thunder and lightning." Cody says flatly.

There was a loud crash of thunder while the rain poured and Aurora jumped up at the nosie.

"Relax Rory we got you." I say holding her close.

"Cody you're not even scared if storms why are you here?" Silas questions in a raspy voice.

"I'm here for Moral support." Cody deadpans and I sigh.

we all fall asleep while the storm rages outside.

________________________________ Alex really said "I'm back from the dead back from the dead" anyways there is like 1 more chapter left guys.

hope you enjoyed the sequel is in the works but for right now you guys can read my new book "Friends before College".

that's all from me thanks for the support so far!!!

thx for reading

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A friend's Revenge Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang