Chapter 12-I will love you either way

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A week later

Atlas pov

Silas and I were at Cody's behavior assessment appointment and Cody was off playing in a corner while the other kids were playing with each other.

The Specialist,Dr.Brooke was watching Cody play by
herself and took notes on her actions while Silas and I watched as this all played out.

A few hours later Dr.Brooke diagnosed Cody with high functioning autism and gave us a few booklets on how to help her with certain things.

Cody was sleeping in Silas' lap while the doctor explained what different things meant and everything started to make sense.

After the appointment we went back  home to Aurora and Felix who was babysitting her and we  explained everything.

Aurora seemed to understand everything that was being explained and Felix was happy to help out with anything that the girls needed or if we needed a babysitter to just call.

Felix left soon after and Cody went too go play with her Hot wheels while Rory took a nap.

I'm worried for Cody, I know that she's rather drawn back and doesn't talk alot but I just hope she can make friends at preschool.

I feel a pair of familiar hands on my waist as silas rests his head on my shoulder.

"She'll be fine Atlas she has alot of people who love her and will back her up and the doctor did say that she might become more vocal with age." Silas reassures me making me relax into his grasp.

"I know love,I just can't help but worry for her." I sigh

"I know babe but we'll help her with anything she needs." He reassures me again.

"Thanks for always being there Silas." I say ruffling his hair.

"I'm glad I could be there." he smiles and I smile back.

Time skip to the next day

"Alright Cody we talked to your teachers so they'll help you if you need help ok?" Silas reassured Cody before we walked the girls into the preschool.

Cody nodded and Aurora held out her hand for Cody to grab and Cody grabbed her sisters hand and the pair walked into the preschool.

"She'll be fine Atlas." Silas said patting my shoulder and we went to work as usual.

Felix picked up the girls because Silas and I would be at work late.

I hope everything went well today,I know Cody will be more open as she grows up but I can't help but worry.

I was in my office going through some documents when my phone started ringing.

It was Felix and I immediately answered.

-Hello? Felix?

-Hey sis just wanted to let you know that Aurora has a fever and is currently throwing up in the bathroom.

-What?! I'm coming home right now!

I hung up and booked it out my office to my car and sped home.

Cody was watching Bluey on the TV while eating chicken nuggets and fries.

I bolted upstairs and I see the bathroom door open and I hear Aurora crying.

I go in the bathroom to see Aurora throwing up and Felix putting her hair in a very very messy ponytail while she threw up.

"Finally you're here,she's been like this for about 30 minutes." Felix sighs getting up off the bathroom floor.

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