chapter 3- rage

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rage can hurt the people around you and even yourself
Atlas' Pov

It was now Monday morning Silas and I were walking the halls on our way to our frist class, English we took our seats and the class went on as usual Mrs.Parker was going on about sentence structure or something.

All I could focus on was Silas he seemed so focus and attentive his face was so perfect,the way he rested his head on his hand, he looked at me and smiled,my heart melted his smile was so cute like a million suns lighting up the sky.

I got pulled from my thoughts when I heard the intercom turn on, "skrr skrr can Atlas Cain and skrr skrr Silas Nox make their way to the principal's office,please thank you skrr skrr." this was followed by the class ooooooing at us as we left to go to the office.

Silas wasn't bothered by it or anything he kept a straight face and walked beside me the entire way there,me on the other hand was a bit nervous,I wanted for Rebecca to be arrested but I think I know why I was being called to the office for.

We finally reached the office Silas looked at me "Hey,it'll be fine just follow my lead." he reassured I sighed and we walked in Ms.Carbon told us to have a seat we sat down she then told us that she saw the video of me beating up Rebecca, she also stated that Rebecca would only have to do 300 hours of community service and have to pay a fine of 6000 dollars for the death of Alex.

I stood up out of my seat "Is that all Ms.Carbon?If so we will be going." she nodded and Silas and I walked out of her office it was lunch now and I was fuming with anger
Silas brought us some lunch.

"Listen I know that you're angry right now but you could atleast eat something." Silas informed me, I only pouted and shoved some pasta in my mouth then Rebecca walked over to our table ,oh she is gonna need a breathing tube after I'm done with her.

"what do you want Rebecca?" I asked  "To tell you that your friend is not worth much no wonder I wasn't given any jail time,my nails could never." she ranted "Even after I beat you up,you still have pride left behind those bruises?" I questioned standing up.

"oh what can you do to me? hit me?" he teased,folding her arms I was filled with rage I punched her right in the nose he fell to the ground I got on top of her and started punching her violently till she was bleeding,Silas tried pulling me off of her but I elbowed him in the jaw and he stepped back holding his jaw in pain.

I ran out of breath and finally stopped punching Rebecca she was crying and bleeding I got off of her,my fist covered in blood which dripped onto the cobble Stone ground she shuffled away from me crying,I stood there breathing heavily everyone looking at me then erupted in cheers as Rebecca ran away her friends following her.

I turned to Silas who was still holding his jaw I walked over to him,he seemed shocked and a little hurt that I hit him I grabbed his hand and walked all the way to my dorm and sat him on my bed.

I went to go grab the frist aid kit. "Silas I'm sorry that I elbowed you in your jaw I really didn't mean to I was just so angry at her." I apologized.

"It's fine Atlas we all get angry sometimes I forgive you." he responded. I grabbed an ice pack and handed it to him while i bandaged my hands which had multiple cuts on them from her digging her nails into my hand.

Silas asked me if I wanted to go with him somewhere, I was a bit hesitant but agreed,
he told me to go get ready and we left to his car after that. I threw on a blue hoodie and some jeans and we left.

we where driving for what seemed like a hour we eventually pulled up to a garage looking place it had car parts and stuff outside the big metal door was closed Silas pushed a big red button and it opened, reveling a kick boxing ring and work out equipment on one side and on the other was an auto shop.

Damian,Kade and Ashton who where sitting drinking beer and eating Gummy bears we walked up to them,
"sup,Silas and Atlas what bring you to the crib?" Damian questions taking a sip of his beer.

"Ah nothing much just came to chill." Silas replied

we sat down Silas handed me a beer which I gladly took I need some to cool off after today I sip my drink as the others start to talk Kade goes on about how his car's motor isn't running properly and they say some other stuff I didn't understand or care about.

I didn't know much about cars I knew what they were called I didn't know about the fancy words or anything.
I only knew cars because my brother used to work on cars all the time he was the one to teach me how to fight,how to fix stuff.

Mum was always away on business trips and we never knew our father I was too young to remeber him,my dad died in a car crash just before I was born. that's all I know, my brother went off to college and checks in during his breaks but mum not so much she sends me the money and pays the tuition.

That's it nothing else I don't mind though I have Silas now.

I get pulled from my thoughts as Silas takes my second beer from me I look at him annoyed as to why he would take it, he looks at me "sweetheart,you've had enough beer for today you can't handle anymore." he stated I scoffed and picked up another beer from the cooler opening it and chugging it.

"I can handle my beer,silas." I stated proudly crushing the can in my hand. The others watched as we downed beer after beer to see who could handle their booze.

after about 5 cans each I threw up in a nearby trash can Kade patting my back as I did so, Ashton had fallen asleep in the chair he was sitting in and Damian was putting away the cooler, Silas walked over to me and Kade cool as a cucumber picked me up threw me over his shoulder and walked to his car placing me into the back seat and closing the door I laid there,drunk and sick as silas said his goodbyes to the boys he opened the back seat door to check on me.

"Sweetheart I'm taking you back home, you drank 5 beers they didn't even have that much alcohol in them." he said giving me a blanket from his trunk to wrap myself in.

We drove back to my dorm where he put me in bed and tucking me in and slept on the couch as I fell asleep instantly.

I woke up the next day my head was pounding I looked over at Silas who was making me breakfast he came from my little food corner with French toast and some pedialyte I downed everything in seconds.

He smiled and walked towards the door "I'm going to go tell the principal that you're sick and you're not coming to class today that okay with you?" he questioned I nodded he soon came back by then I had already made myself comfy in my bed.

Silas come back with a bag of pain meds and some snacks,once we got comfy again we sat and watched Fast and Furious 4  he looked at me I looked at him and we slowly moved closer to each other we where about inches apart then we kissed.

it was long,gentle and passionate my hands played with his hair and his hands cupped my face. we pull away after a few seconds and sit in comfortable silence. I feel my heart race in my chest,"Atlas,I like you." Silas whispered,"I like you too Silas." I replied.

I could see the shimmer in his eyes,he was Happy,I was too. we pulled away, we just stayed in the whole day cuddling and napping.

All I could think about was the kiss.

This is the end of chapter 3 yall thanks for reading. Rebecca will get her karma soon don't worry.♡

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