Harry shrank more and more under the weight of her observations. Luna sighed and gently took his hands, the hands that had already began to pick at his skin.

"Were you abused as a child?"

The question rang with a finality that said that Luna would not believe him even if he lied. He closed his eyes, forcing the memories out of his mind. Her reminded himself to breathe, slightly thankful for the soothing effect of Draco's scent in the room.

"It's fine, if you don't want to tell me," Luna said, her hands reached into his hair, gently combing through the thick nest, "It is completely understandable."

Harry unconsciously leaned into the touch, "I would not blame you, you know," Luna whispered, "I have spent a while as an omega specialist and I can tell you that you are not the first, it is a sensitive topic, you really don't need to say anything at all."

Harry shut his eyes. It had been a while since he thought about his childhood. He had pushed that place to the farthest possible shelf in his mind the minute he stepped into London. His hands squeezed at Luna's skirt, she smelt like lavendar and sunshine and he felt his own scent of cherries and burnt sugar rising to surround hers until they were in a sort of cocoon of warmth. His head felt empty and light...but in a good way.

"I take it you have never been around other omegas like this huh?" Luna asked, her voice was barely above a whisper.

Harry shook his head, now letting his weight rest on her. Despite his status, Harry had never really had any other omegan friends, the only person he would say he was particularly close to was Hermione and she was beta.

"Well, omegas are meant to stay close to each other, it's all a part of socialisation and comfort, I am sure you feel better, lighter perhaps?" Luna asked.

Harry nodded his head. He felt almost sleepy. They remained in silence for a while just enjoying each other's presence. Harry had never felt so instantly connected to someone in his life.

"You know when Draco called me around one in the morning saying he had an omega patient he wanted me to see first thing i did not know what to expect." Luna said.

Harry looked up at the woman, a question on his face.

"My cousin is not the type of person to show affection to anyone, his way of life had beaten that side of him out at an early age, and the thought of him caring for anyone in a romantic sense has never crossed my mind." Luna muttered.

Harry blinked in surprise. So Luna and Draco were cousins? Now that he looked closely, he could sort of see it. The other omega gave him a gentle smile.

"But I see you managed to make my stone of a cousin feel something beyond emptiness, for that I cannot thank you enough." Luna said bowing her head in gratefulness.

Harry was a bit shook, shaking his head and sputtering he grabbed the woman's hands, "That is not necessary. In fact, you should be scolding me, I did turn tail and leave when I heard about what he does for a living."

He ducked his head, shame written on his face. Luna did not judge him, she only seemed understanding, "It is only natural for you to be weary, I would be quite worried if you weren't."

Luna gently tilted his chin up, "The path Draco walks is a lonely one, one covered in roses that hide their thorns. No matter how much they rip into the soles of his feet, Draco rises above it all, a king of his castle."

Harry looked into those clear aquamarine eyes. Luna took his hands in hers and spoke in a soft voice.

" My only request for you is to please be by his side, to be his strength when he is weak, to be the wall he can lean on, the person who wipes his tears, the person who tends to his battle wounds and kisses his scars. That is all this humble servant begs of you my queen."

Harry was a bit stunned at the term of address. ~He had of course noticed in the time he and Draco spent together that the blonde refereed to him as his 'queen' and now his cousin was using the same reference.

"Queen? Why do you call me that?" Harry asked.

Luna laughed, her laughter reminded Harry of wind chimes, "Shouldn't a queen be addressed as such?"

Before Harry could protest and make it clear that he could not in fact be a queen since a queen was a female monarch and he was very in fact male, Luna had stood up and grabbed her bag.

"Should you ever stay long enough to truly know Draco, then you will understand. I honestly hope you do because I really like you."

And just like that she was gone.


"Is he fine?" Draco asked.

He had been waiting in the living room while Luna did her thing. Luna nodded in affirmation to which the other blonde promptly collapsed unto the nearest piece of furniture in relief.His cousin smiled.

"I have never seen you this flustered over anyone before." Luna teased.

Draco groaned, "Don't even start."

"I like him." Luna said, "You chose quite a wonderful queen Draco."

Draco shrugged morosely, "I do not think he wants anything to do with me."

Luna smiled in that cryptic way of hers, like she was seeing something that he did not, "I know he he will walk with you until the end."

Draco blinked in surprise, "How?"

"It's just a feeling."

And Done!!!!

So I love Luna so much and I hope my love for her was able to shine through. I am in a bit of a sad mood because my favourite tiktok couple broke up and #i find it hard to believe that love is real anymore. But life will happen I guess.

ANygays! DO NOT FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT!!! And I will see you in the next chappie.



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