Beach day - ISAACWHY

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TW: None

"Pack your shit, we're leaving soon!" I scream as I put some towels in a bag. It was 10 am and we all planned on going to the beach to hang out and swim.

Isaac exits his room, shuffling his feet and looking tired.

"Oh my god, I should not have stayed up that late last night." He says and comes up behind me, putting his arms around my stomach and resting his head on my head.

"I made you a very caffeinated gamersupps drink," I said and point to a bottle with a girl with massive anime knockers on it.

"Oh my god, you're the best." He says and kisses my head, before walking over to the bottle and picking it up, drinking a bunch of it already.

The rest of the guys make their way into the living room with bags for themselves.

"Can someone pack the cooler?" I ask and Yumi of course jumps at that with Tanner and Larry falling close behind.

I smile at them and finish packing my bag. I watch as they pack the cooler with many different drinks and foods for this trip.

I walk over to our front door and open it, going over to my old Volkswagon van and putting my bag in it. Nick and Isaac do the same and soon after, the rest of the guys come out with their bags and the cooler.

"Do you want me to drive?" Nick asks me. He was the one to always drive us everywhere, no matter what so I just nod and give him my keys.

We all pile into the car, Nick driving with Larry in the passenger seat. Yumi and Tanner take the seats in the middle with Isaac and I in the back seat.

Larry starts to play his music and we jam out until we get there about 30 minutes later.

We get there and find a spot. There weren't many people here today, though again, it's almost 11 am on a Wednesday and most people were at work like the responsible adults they were.

We set up our stuff by putting down some blankets, chairs, and the bags we brought with all the stuff we packed.

The cooler was placed in the middle as to make it the easiest place for everyone to get to it and I take off my clothes so I'm left in my swimming stuff.

"Can you put sunscreen on me?" I ask Isaac, holding up the sunscreen bottle.

"Of course, but only if you put it on my after." He says and I nod. He squirts some into his hand, applying it to my back. I squirm from how cold it is and I can hear Isaac chuckle behind me.

He finishes applying it to the places I'm not able to reach so I do the rest of my body before turning to him and rubbing it on his neck first. I have to reach up because of how tall he is but I manage to get it done.

The others are helping each other and I lay down on the blanket, soaking up the hot sun so that when we decide to go into the water, I'll be hot and ready (hehe).

After about 20 minutes, the guys get up and run towards the water without me. I sit up and watch them reach the water and start splashing each other. I spot Isaac and he smiles, motioning with his hand for me to join them.

I smile back and get up, making my way to the group.

"I wanna see how far we can get out," Nick says and takes off, Yumi hot on his trail.

"Yeah, Larry and I are short so the tall people are gonna get to their chest while us short people are gonna drown..." I look at Larry and he nods.

"You'll be fine, let's just go," Isaac says and goes deeper into the water. I just sigh and walk after him, Tanner and Larry close behind.

As we start to reach deeper waters, I see Larry on Tanner's back when Tanner lets out a "yee hah" and runs toward Nick and Yumi who were a couple of meters in front of us.

I laugh as I watch them. The water was now up to my shoulders. I look at Isaac and see that it was just under his chest and I just glare at him. Oh, to be tall.

Without saying anything, Isaac comes over to me with a smirk on his face and leans down, grabbing ahold of my thighs and bringing them to his body. I put my arms around his neck and secured my legs around his waist as he held me up.

"You know, this works," I say and look at him.

"Good." He looks down at me and I can't help but lean closer to his face to kiss him.

We're pulled away when we hear Yumi's voice. "Get your asses over here and stop making out!"

We smile at each other before Isaac starts walking over to the rest of the group, me clinging onto him tightly.

We finally made it to really deep water. It was up to Isaac's neck now and if I were to let go, I'd definitely go under the water. Same with Larry who was wrapped around Tanner's back.

"What I just dropped you right now?" Isaac says and starts to slowly release his grip on me.

"What? No!" I say and cling to him more, wrapping my arms and legs closer to his body and I can feel him laugh from the vibrations on his chest. "You suck."

All of a sudden, we hear a splash followed by Tanner laughing. We look over at him and see Larry in the water, treading so he stays afloat.

"You're so funny." He says and swims over to Nick who lets him go onto his back. We all start laughing and I stop when Isaac pretends to drop me again.

"QUIT!" I yell and this makes everyone laugh even harder.

All in all, it was a pretty good beach day.

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