Ch. 11 *Just Friends*

Start from the beginning

For about two hours, we went on every single ride we could.
Carousel, Bumper Cars (which I won), then we did a super scary roller coaster ride which ended with him laughing hysterically and me nearly puking my guts out.

To get him back, we went into a haunted house.
Definitely not that scary, but a couple of times I jumped and grabbed onto Michael's arm to see how he would react.

And as your typical friend, he'd just push my hand away gently, or for a few moments allow me to hang on to him.

Now, we take a seat on the bench to relax our aching feet from walking for so long.
Michael exhales softly, running a hand through his brown curls.
I can't help but stare at him.

He wears a black T shirt that hugs tight around his waist and shoulders, revealing his toned, flat stomach and chest.
His jeans are stained on the knees, and a little ripped at the bottom, but it all looks great on him.

We didn't do the Ferris Wheel, and my curfew is about up.
I dangle my legs impatiently, waiting for Michael to say or do something!
But he doesn't.

I clear my throat. "I um, I'm having fun tonight," I say, and he nods.
"Yeah, me too."
"What's the highlight of your night?" I ask, titling my head to get a better look at his face, watching his expression.

He furrows his brow thinking. "Well, I guess being able to get out of the house tonight."
A truthful answer.
My stomach sinks.
Jesus it's so hard to actually get something out of him.

I scoot a little closer to him and lean in. "I know what'll make the highlight of my night," I whisper, staring at him.
He stares back, confusion written plainly on his expression as he tries to lean backwards. "What's that?" He says slow.

My heart is beating out of my chest. Do I do this? SHOULD I do this?
I almost don't, but something inside of me pushes me forward.
A lean a little more, waiting to feel something, but when I do, it's a pair of two fingers on my lips.

I open my eyes.

"Luna," he lowers his hand, "we shouldn't do that."
"W-why?" I ask, on the binge of complete embarrassment and a heart break.
I stare at him, waiting for his answers which he can't seem to find.

"Because," he starts, "Luna, you are a really cool girl. You're nice, cute, and a lot of fun to be around, but..." His eyes lower to the little space between us, "I like you, Luna. But...not in that way."

Not in that way.

It stings...a slice to my heart.
I stand up in a rush, embarrassment turning my cheeks pink and pain making my eyes water.
I fight to keep it all bottled inside, I don't want to cry, not in front of him.
I don't want him to see that he's making me hurt.

I exhale a soft breath. "It's alright," I say, holding a clenched hand up to my mouth. "Probably for the best anyway."


I turn away. "I need to go."
I don't wait for him to say anything, I run away, trying to hide in the crowds of people that hoard the boardwalk.

Michael doesn't chase after me.


I ran to the farthest corner of the boardwalk I could find.
Somewhere out of the way, and hidden in the shadows.
I cry in my hands.

My first real heartbreak...

I wipe my tears, sniffling.
It hurts, it hurts so bad...
I know I've only know him for going on a month, but we've hung out so much during that month.

I've gotten to know him.
He was the first one to become my friend since we've moved to Santa Carla.
The first attractive boy I've seen since I've lived here.

I exhale deeply as I bring my knees up to my face.
I shouldn't have let myself crush on him, shouldn't have mistaken his kindness for something more.

I put him and myself in an awkward position...a position that could easily ruin friendships.
I don't want to lose his friendship.
But...I still have a few more tears to shed before I can face him again.

Lowering my head with a sigh, I tighten my grip around my knees, squeezing because it's my only comfort there.
I don't need to get back for another hour, but I might end up going back early and crawling under my bed.


I glance up, only to squint my eyes because it's hard to tell who this person is.
It was obviously a woman though.

She clasps her hands in front of her, leaning down to get a closer look at me.
Her eyes widen when she sees I'm crying.
"Why are you crying, Luna?"

It's Star...

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