Chapter Five.

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After successfully completing their first mission, Team 7 stood eagerly in front of the Hokage's mission assignment desk, awaiting their next task. The room was filled with a sense of anticipation, their youthful energy palpable in the air.

Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, began to go through the available missions, listing off seemingly mundane tasks such as babysitting, shopping, and digging up potatoes. Ugetsu's nose scrunched up in annoyance, clearly uninterested in such mundane assignments. He held back his discontent, not wanting to voice his dissatisfaction in front of his adoptive father, knowing that his team needed time to develop their skills. However, Naruto, true to his impulsive nature, couldn't hold his frustration back.

"No!" Naruto exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of impatience and determination. "I want a real mission. Something exciting and challenging, not this little kids' stuff." He crossed his arms defiantly, his determination shining through.

"How dare you!" Iruka, seated beside the Hokage, stood up, his voice filled with a mixture of anger and concern. "You're a brand new ninja with no experience. Like everyone else, you need to start from easy missions to develop your skills and gain experience!"

Ugetsu couldn't help but scoff, his arms folding across his chest. "How is babysitting a mission? That's just stupid." Before he could finish his sentence, a sudden punch landed on his head, courtesy of Kakashi. The silver-haired Jonin's stern voice echoed, "Stop it."

Ugetsu winced, rubbing his sore head as he glared at Kakashi. His annoyance was evident, but he knew it was best not to provoke the Jonin further. Meanwhile, Hiruzen sighed, looking at Ugetsu with a mix of fondness and exasperation, understanding his son's frustration.

The Third Hokage attempted to explain the mission ranking system and the importance of starting with simpler tasks. However, it quickly became apparent that none of the team members were fully attentive. Ugetsu found himself lost in his own thoughts, staring at the floor with a dazed expression. Naruto, on the other hand, muttered about his craving for miso ramen, paying little heed to the Hokage's words.

Frustrated with their lack of attention, Hiruzen raised his voice, demanding silence. Kakashi quickly apologized, and Ugetsu's gaze snapped back up to meet his adoptive father's. Annoyance still etched across his features, Ugetsu couldn't help but speak his mind.

"Old geezer, missions like babysitting, shopping, and digging up potatoes won't help us become the next generation of Shinobi," he stated firmly, his words carrying an undertone of determination. He was confident that Sakura would agree with his sentiment. "We want real missions that allow us to utilize the jutsu we've learned!"

Tension hung in the air as the father and son locked eyes, each stubbornly holding their ground. Hiruzen studied Ugetsu's piercing blue eyes, contemplating his words before finally relenting.

"Fine," Hiruzen conceded, his tone tinged with resignation. The excitement within Naruto and Ugetsu surged, their faces lighting up as they exchanged a victorious high-five. The prospect of a C-rank mission, one that would involve escorting someone on a journey, filled them with newfound enthusiasm.

"But who? Who are we escorting?" Naruto's excitement bubbled over, his curiosity getting the better of him. "A feudal lord or a princess?"

Just as Naruto posed his question, the door swung open, revealing an old man clutching a bottle in his hand. Ugetsu instinctively scrunched his nose, unimpressed by the unkempt appearance of the man before them. He couldn't help but whisper to Naruto, "We have to escort a drunk geezer?"

The old man's incredulous gaze landed on the team, and he voiced his disbelief. "What? A bunch of kids? You expect me to believe that you are ninjas?"

Naruto couldn't resist a snicker as he retorted, "Who's the little one here with an idiotic look on his face?"

Ugetsu quickly stood beside Naruto, with Sasuke and Sakura flanking him, realizing that Naruto was indeed the shortest among them " I'll kill you!"





The forest was alive with the rustle of leaves and the chirping of birds, a stark contrast to the tense situation that had suddenly unfolded. Team 7, along with Tazuna, was making its way through the dense undergrowth on their journey to the Land of Waves. Naruto, ever the eager one, led the group, with Ugetsu and Sakura close behind. Tazuna walked between them, and Sasuke trailed behind, his usual air of aloofness.

As they continued their march, Ugetsu's thoughts drifted into a daydream, lost in his own world for a moment. But then, a strange feeling washed over him, like the prickling of a sixth sense. He subtly shifted his attention to his surroundings and pinpointed the source of his unease.

A puddle caught his eye, and his gaze sharpened. He stared intently at the reflection on its surface, his eyes widening as realization dawned. "It can't be," he muttered under his breath.

The tranquility was shattered when the sound of clinking chains reverberated through the forest. Everyone whipped around to see Kakashi entangled by the metal links, his body split into multiple pieces by the mysterious assailants' techniques.

Naruto and Sakura exclaimed in shock and horror, their voices echoing through the trees. Ugetsu, however, had no time for shock. He was already on the move, giving Sasuke a nod as they shared a quick, unspoken understanding. The Uchiha heir sprang into action, hurling a shuriken with precise aim to pin the enemy's chains to a nearby tree.

In a swift and coordinated move, Ugetsu leaped onto their attackers' arms, using the element of surprise to deliver a powerful kick that sent both men staggering backward. Their chains, weakened by Sasuke's assault on the shuriken, snapped under the sudden force. The attackers had lost their control.

One of the assailants seized the opportunity to sprint toward Tazuna, while the other readied himself to strike at Naruto, who was still trying to make sense of the situation.

Sakura stepped forward, her hands trembling as she clutched a kunai. She positioned herself between Tazuna and the approaching threat, determination burning in her eyes. She may have been scared, but she was ready to protect her client.

Just as it seemed that all hope might be lost, Kakashi materialized before the enemies, his Sharingan eye locked onto them. In an instant, he had them both in a stranglehold, his casual greeting starkly contrasting the life-or-death situation.

A brief moment of relief washed over the team as the danger abated. Ugetsu, still brimming with adrenaline, couldn't help but grin with pride. His sharp, carnivorous tooth peeked out as he beamed at Kakashi.

"Sensei!" Ugetsu rushed forward, eager to express his emotions, but Kakashi casually sidestepped his approach, leaving him slightly deflated. The man had a knack for maintaining a degree of emotional distance.

Kakashi acknowledged Naruto's shock, offering a casual yet apologetic tone. "Sorry for not helping you right away, Naruto. I didn't mean for you to get hurt. I just didn't think you'd freeze up like that."

With a nod to Sasuke and Ugetsu, he praised their quick thinking, effectively diffusing the situation. "Good job, Sasuke and Ugetsu. Very smooth. You too, Sakura."

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