Scene four

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Lady Capulet and the Nurse enter.

Lady Capulet - Wait. Take these keys and get more spices, Nurse.

Nurse - They're calling for dates and quinces in the pasty kitchen.

Lord Capulet enters.

Lord Capulet - Come on, wake up, wake up, wake up! The second cock crowed. The curfew-bell rang. It's three o'clock. Go get the baked meats, good Angelica. Don't worry about the cost.

Nurse - Go, you old housewife, go. Go to bed, dear. You'll be sick tomorrow because you've stayed up all night.

Lord Capulet - No, not at all. What? I've stayed up all night many times before for less important matters, and I've never gotten sick.

Lady Capulet - Yes, you've been a ladies' man in your time. But I'll make sure you don't stay up any later now.

Lady Capulet and the Nurse exit.

Lord Capulet - A jealous woman, a jealous woman!

Three or four Servingmen enter with spits, logs, and baskets.

Lord Capulet - Now, fellow, what have you got there?

First Servingman - Things for the cook, sir. But I don't know what they are.

Lord Capulet - Hurry up, hurry up.

The First Servingman exits.

Lord Capulet - (to Second Servingman) You, fetch logs that are drier than these. Call Peter, he'll show you where they are.

Second Servingman - I'm smart enough to find the logs myself without bothering Peter.

The Second Servingman exits.

Lord Capulet - Right, and well said. That guy's funny. He's got a head full of logs. Goodness, it's daylight. The count will be here soon with music. At least he said he would. I hear him coming near.

Music plays offstage.

Lord Capulet - Nurse! Wife! What? Hey, Nurse!

The Nurse returns.

Lord Capulet - Go wake Ciara. Go and get her dressed. I'll go and chat with Paris. Hey, hurry up, hurry up! The bride-groom is already here. Hurry up, I say.

They exit.

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