Scene five

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Ciara enters.

Ciara - I sent the Nurse at nine 0' clock. Maybe she can't find him. That can't be. Oh, she's slow! Love's messengers should be thoughts, which fly ten times faster than sunbeams. They should be strong enough to push shadows over the dark hills. That's the way doves carry Venus so fast, and that's why Cupid has wings that let him fly as fast as the wind. Now it's noon. That's three hours since nine o'clock, but she hasn't come back. If she was young and passionate, she'd move as fast as a ball. My words would bounce her to my sweet love, and his words would bounce her back to me. But a lot of old people act like they're already dead-sluggish, slow, fat, and colorless, like lead.

The Nurse and Peter enter.

Ciara - Oh my God, here she comes! Oh sweet Nurse, what news do you bring? Have you spoken to him? Send your man away.

Nurse - Peter, wait for me at the gate.

Peter exits.

Ciara - Now, good sweet Nurse – Oh Lord, why do you look so sad? Even if the news is sad, tell me with a smile on your face. If the news is good, you're ruining the sweet news by playing a trick with a sour face like that.

Nurse - I am tired. Leave me alone for a minute. Oh my, my bones ache so much. I've been running all over the place.

Ciara - I wish you had my bones, and I had your news. Come on now, I beg you, speak, good Nurse, speak. Sweet Jesus, you're in such a hurry! Can't you wait for a moment? Don't you see that I'm out of breath? How can you be out of breath when you have enough breath to tell me that you're out of breath? The excuse you make to delay the news is longer than the news itself. Is the news good or bad? Answer that question. Tell me if it's good or bad, and I'll wait for the details. Tell me so I can be satisfied. Is it good or bad?

Nurse - Well, you have made a foolish choice. You don't know how to pick a man. Romeo? No, not him, though his face is more handsome than any man's, and his legs are prettier, and as for his hands and feet and body, they're not much to speak of, and yet they're beyond

compare. He's not the most polite man in the world, but, believe me, he's gentle as a lamb. Well, do what you want. Be good. Have you had lunch yet?

Ciara - No, I haven't had lunch. Everything you told me I already knew. What does he say about our marriage? What about that?

Nurse - Lord, what a headache I've got! My head is pounding. It feels like it'll break into twenty pieces. My back aches too — (Ciara rubs her back) Ooh, on the other side-ah, my poor aching back! Curse your heart for sending me running all over town. I could get sick and die.

Ciara - Believe me, I'm sorry you're in pain. Sweet, sweet, sweet Nurse, tell me, what did my love Romeo say?

Nurse - Your love says, like an honorable gentleman, who is courteous, kind, handsome, and, I believe, virtuous — where is your mother?

Ciara - Where is my mother? Why, she's inside. Where else would she be? Your answer is so strange! "Your love says, like an honorable gentleman, 'Where is your mother?'"

Nurse - Oh holy Mary, mother of God! Are you this impatient? Come on, you're being ridiculous! Is this the cure for my aching bones? From now on, take care of your messages yourself.

Ciara - You're making such a fuss. Come on, what did Romeo say?

Nurse - Do you have permission to go out and take confession today?

Ciara - I do.

Nurse - Then hurry up and rush over to Friar Lawrence's cell. There's a husband there who's waiting to make you his wife. Now I see the blood rushing to your cheeks. You blush bright red as soon as you hear any news. Go to the church. I must go by a different path to get a rope ladder. Your love will use it to climb up to your window while it's dark. I do the drudge work for your pleasure. But soon you 'll be doing a wife's work all night long. Co. 'I'll go to lunch. You go to Friar Lawrence's cell.

Ciara - Wish me luck. Thank you, dear Nurse.

They exit.

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