Deirys Targaryen (17 years old

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                                            Deirys Targaryen (17 years old.)

Deirys stood outside the great hall and took a deep breath. It had been a busy day and she was dying for it to be over. Her grandsire had decided to make an appearance at the feast which was why she could not cancel it. She had chosen a gown a bit less revealing than she would usually wear. She did not want the lord's first impression of her to be a negative one, especially when it was more than likely her betrothal to Aemond would be announced tonight. She wanted tonight to be perfect.
"I will let them know you are ready." Deirys smiled at Anari, she had invited her friend to the feast. The lords might have something to say about it, but they could take it up with her. "I will see you inside."
Deirys waited until she was announced and walked into the room. She headed to the high table where her parents, grandsire, siblings, uncles, and the rest of the royal family were. Deirys bowed to her grandsire and the queen, the latter one who was glaring at her. She had been enemy number one since the arrest of Otto Hightower. The queen was still trying to get her grandsire to release Otto and Deirys had just found out that she had been talking to some of the Westerland lords to have them introduce their daughters to Aemond. The queen wanted Aemond married as soon as possible. Deirys wanted their betrothal announced soon before the queen managed to convince her grandsire to marry Aemond to someone else. The king was still feeling guilty about arresting Otto and not allowing the queen to release him, which was why it would be easier for her to convince him to marry Aemond to some lady.
Deirys walked around the room and talked to some of the Lords, most of them would not let her get two words out before throwing their sons at her. She could see other Lords approaching the high table with their daughters. The queen kept trying to get Aemond to speak to them, but he was not showing much interest. Deirys walked along the wall trying to keep out of people's view, she just needed a few minutes for herself. She was hiding behind one of the largest gold marble pillars when she heard two lords talking, she frowned when she heard them mention her mother and then her name.
"Can you believe she dared to invite a bastard?" Deirys moved a little closer and looked around the pillar. Lord Unwin Peake was the one talking, he was speaking to Lord George Graceford. Lord Unwin snorted into his cup. "They are also using those savages to control the city."
"They are ruining this kingdom." Lord George looked around the room and Deirys pulled back a little so they would not see her. "They are spending most of the gold on the common people. They are going to bankrupt the crown and then they will raise our taxes and be begging us for more gold."
"Maybe that will help Lord Otto." Lord Unwin laughed. "If they need gold Oldtown can insist they release Lord Otto in exchange for their help."
Deirys moved from behind the pillar, but both lords had their backs to her. They were still talking, not even realizing she could hear every word.
"My Lords." Both men turned to her with surprised looks on their faces. "Thank you for coming."
"Of course, princess." Lord George gave her a nervous smile. "It is an honor to be invited. You look beautiful, if you do not mind me saying."
"Thank you, my lord." Her smile was a little less nice this time around. "I appreciate you saying so. I hope you are having a pleasant time."
"We are, this is a marvelous feast." This time it was Lord Unwin who tried to work his way into her good graces. "I was so looking forward to speaking with you."
"Really? Well, that surprises me a little." Deirys moved a little closer to both lords and made sure to look them both in the eye. "Seeing as how you think I am ruining the kingdom."
"Princess, I..." Lord George's face was pale, but she did not give him the time to finish.
"Do not try to talk your way out of it." Her glare made both Lords take a step back. "Do you know what I hate more than liars? Cowards. So how about you tell me what your issue is with my mother and I."
"Princess, I can assure you we do not have any issues with you and your mother." Lord George was shaking, Deirys had to admit she liked his fear. "We are loyal subjects to the crown."
"You better stay that way." She started to move past them, then stopped. "And just for your information, I am the princess, which means I do not need your permission to invite whoever I want to the feast or wherever I please. If you have any problems with it do me a favor and keep it to yourself."
Deirys walked away before they could say anything. She saw Aemond moving towards her and met him in the center of the room. He smiled and extended his hand. She gave him a questioning smile and took his hand. She was shocked when he pulled her into the dance. He never danced, she could not remember ever seeing him dance with anyone in any of the feasts they had attended.
"What?" Aemond gave her a questioning look.
"I have never seen you dance."
"Well, my mother has called every lord to the table and their daughters." He rolled his eyes. "She keeps trying to make me dance with them and keeps asking my father to talk to the Lords. She wants me married as soon as possible."
"What are you thinking of doing?"
She had barely finished asking the question and then his lips were on hers. Deirys's eyes widened and she could hear the entire room go silent. Aemond's hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her body closer to his. Deirys kissed him back, her hands wrapped around his neck and it was like the entire room disappeared. At that moment she did not care where they were or that people were looking at them and most of them were possibly judging. Deirys heard someone clear their throat and Aemond and her broke apart. Her father was standing next to them, glaring. Deirys felt her face flush and gave him a shy smile.
"Both of you follow me." Daemon did not give either of them a choice, he walked towards the high table, leaving them to follow. Deirys and Aemond stopped in front of her father, he stood on the high platform and looked out at the rest of the people present. "My Lords and Ladies, I welcome you on behalf of my family. Princess Rhaenyra and I were waiting to give you all this news, but apparently, Prince Aemond and my daughter could not wait to share the news with the rest of you. So, Princess Rhaenyra and I want you to join us in congratulating Prince Aemond and Princess Deirys on their betrothal. The wedding will be in three moons.
The entire room clapped as Aemond kissed her hand. Deirys turned to the high table and bowed to her grandsire, who looked shocked. Apparently, her parents had not been able to speak to her grandsire about her and Aemond. Alicent stood up so fast the chair almost fell over. She was glaring at them and Deirys just stared back at her, she knew Alicent was upset, she would be planning something. Deirys would not allow the queen to separate her from Aemond. They would be wed, even if she had to lock the queen in the black cells.

Alicent could feel her blood boiling, she walked into her chambers and as soon as the doors closed behind her she screamed and threw one of the candle sticks across the room. This could not be happening, how dare that little whore think she could steal her son away from her? Aemond had been such a good son, always respectful and obedient. She had been so proud of him and then they had taken that cursed trip to Dragonstone. As soon as Aemond had met Deirys he had changed, that fortnight they spent in Dragonstone had been the beginning to the end. Aemond had become defiant and refused to listen to her. He talked back to her, refusing to follow simple orders. He had even threatened her a few times in defense of that stupid child. When Deirys had gone away Alicent thought that would be the end of it, Aemond would become his sweet self again, but Rhaenyra and Daemon had gotten involved and ruined everything. Her children barely spoke to her anymore and they refused to listen.
Alicent had really thought Maia Stokeworth would be the solution to her problems. The girl was moldable and pliable, she was from a good family and her father supported Alicent. If Aemond married the girl Alicent would have an ally and one that was close to Rhaenyra. For a moment everything had been working in her favor, she had even gotten Viserys to approve Aemond's betrothal to Maia. Then everything had become twisted when Deirys came back. In a few hours, she had upended Alicent's life. Maia, lord Larys, and Lord Stokeworth had been arrested. Alicent had lost three of her main allies in one swoop and if that was not enough that whore dared to arrest her father. Viserys refused to free him and Daemon was having fun torturing him.
"Your grace?" Alicent glared at Rosyn, the maid bowed and looked at the broken mirror and the candle stick on the ground. "Is anything the matter?"
"I want to know why you did not tell me about Aemond and Deirys's betrothal." Alicent grabbed Rosyn's arm, making the woman flinch. "I have given you enough gold to help your poor family, all I asked was that you give me information about what was happening with Princess Rhaenyra and her family. And then one of the most important moments in my son's life happens and I have to find out about it with the rest of the seven kingdoms because my spy is not doing her job."
"I am sorry your grace, I did not know they were betrothed." The girl's voice was pleading, but Alicent was in no mood to listen. "They have not talked about it in front of me."
"Well, if you want me to keep giving you gold you will provide me with more information and you will do as I say. Otherwise, you are of no use to me."
"I will do everything you ask, your grace."
"Good." Alicent opened one of the wooden coffers on her table and took the small vial. She turned to Rosyn and handed it to her. "I want you to slip this in Princess Deirys drink."
"What is this, your grace?" Rosyn took the vial with a questioning look.
"You do not need to know." The less she knew the better. "You will put three drops in her drink once a day. Do not put anymore, only three drops, do you understand?"
"Yes, your grace."
"Good, you will keep informed. You can leave now, we do not want anyone to see us together."
The girl bowed and quickly left the room. Deirys would regret the day she got between Alicent and Aemond. Rhaenyra and Daemon would also pay for everything they had done to her family. One day Aegon would be king, no matter what.

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