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I hear my mother yelling at me from the kitchen and immediately groan, throwing my pillow over my head in hopes to drown out her voice.

I open my eyes slowly and peak over at the clock on the bedside table, showing me that it was seven in the morning. I squeeze my eyes shut and throw my head back on the mattress, trying to fall back asleep.

Everyone had slept on the first floor during the storm that occurred the day before, and needless to say, I had not slept well being in a bed different than my own. I was tired, and the last thing I wanted to hear was my mothers voice this early in the morning.

As I drift back into a dream like state, the door swings open, revealing my mother. I peer over at the door and see that she is already dressed for the day, her hair and her makeup are done, and she stares down at me with her hand still on the door knob.

"Does anyone in this house knock?" I mumble, my voice groggy as I run my hands across my face in attempt to wake myself up.

"Why are you still in bed?" she questions me, her voice sounding surprised.

I sit up slowly and begin stretching my body in all directions as I respond. "Because I was sleeping."

"Well you need to get up," she demands, rolling her eyes at my sarcasm.


My mom stares at me, dumbfounded, not understanding that her teenage daughter prefers not to get up at the ass-crack of dawn every day.

"It's just time to get up. The generators have kicked on and I'm making breakfast so Id like to see you up and at em' before the food is ready."

I stare at her for a moment before she raises her eyebrow, her hand leaving the doorknob and moving onto her hip.

"Okay, okay. I'm getting up. I'll be out in a minute," I huff, throwing the blanket off of my body and sitting up on the bed.

"Thank you, sweetheart."

With that, she exits the spare room, leaving the door open behind her. I tiredly get up from the bed and walk out of the bedroom and up into my own.

I didn't expect the storm to affect our house too much. Living on the coast you get used to these kinds of things and we have people that storm prep the house well for us. My room was in its regular state as I close the door behind me, launching myself onto my bed.

I look out the window and see tree branches all over our backyard, on our back patio, and all over the dock as well. Debris was scattered everywhere and there were people outside working on cleaning off of our property.

Closing the blinds, I get up from my bed and throw on my outfit for the day and make my way downstairs to the kitchen, just in time for breakfast.

I take a seat at the island and pull my phone out of my pocket, responding quickly to Kiara, who wanted to make sure I was okay. I turn my phone off and watch as my older brother sits next to me, ruffling my hair as he takes his seat.

"Morning, Josie. You sleep well?" he asks me softly, getting situated in his chair and setting his phone down next to mine.

"Just wonderfully, actually," I respond sarcastically. He chuckles at me and I smile as my mom sets a plate in front of me. "Thanks mom," I breathe, taking a fork and beginning to dig in.

Topper and I eat quietly beside each other, hearing footsteps coming towards the kitchen. I glance over at my dad, and he gives me a warm smile, kissing me on the head as he walks past me.

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