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I'm not food

You can't eat me

I might be tasty but that doesn't mean you can bite me.

There are some boobies but they aren't jugs to drink out of.

You gotta respect me

I'm not a dog you can play with

A ball you can bounce on

I'm not the hoop you can score on though it might seem so easy to go and pounce on.

Take the dare

Take the challenge

Make me the bear

And then go and damage

Say I'm the fault

When really I'm courageous.

You went along with all your side chicks

I'm sorry for you thinking you can play it

I didn't go down that hole and choose to not eat that candy that said 'dont eat'

I followed the rules yet I still ended up sadened

I still ended up broken

But you messed up the rules, played with my hair, twiddled your thumbs, played me like a villain and danced to all the cha chas that were singing

And you still came and ate it

And nobody came beside you tell you you didn't do it.

They told you, infact that you did it

And I'm the one who's selfish

For being myself

Staying tight and told to be upright.

Wrong when I'm right

Then I'm right but then that's wrong.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do to all those men

All those girls who look up to them

Play along and be eaten

Or go against it and still be beaten.

Play along and be eaten

Or go against it and still be destroyed and beaten?

Fall for the boy and then fall on the ground

Or fall for myself and then fly up above

Despite their words trying to bring me down

But I deserve to be free

I deserve to be uplifted.

But I deserve to be free

Deserve to love myself.

I don't gotta be eaten by a bear that doesn't truly think I'm tasty.

Instead, I can be the meal that gets full attention,

is seen for more than just food,
and is loved,
and cherished and not just from you

but from all too.

And be loved by especially me because really, that's all I really need.

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