The End ~ Part 8

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{Purpled's POV]

I was sat on my couch staring at the wall, i had nothing to do. I didn't feel like doing a single thing. My sealing looked broken and like it was about to fall, i got up even though i didn't want to and went to my room. As i enter my room i notice Tubbo near a big cliff, he had a massive grin on his face as he slowly backed away from the cliff. I got curious so i quickly grabbed clean clothes and put them on. I sprinted out of my door and to the cliff Tubbo was at only 5 minutes ago, i noticed a little blood on the grass a little over the edge, i then looked a little more down the cliff and noticed more blood. I noticed a sort of path down the cliff and let my curiosity get the best of me, i ran towards the pathway and went down. After 3 minutes of going down the cliff i arrived at the bottom. I roamed around a little bit then went to where the blood was. When i got there i stared in horror looking at Tommy's broken and bloody body.

"Tom..?" I say in horror, of course there was no answer from him.

I went up to him body and felt his heartbeat, there was some heartbeat but not much of one. I picked up Tommy and rushed to my house, when i finally arrived at my house i quickly opened the door and went inside. I put Tommy in the only stable looking room, i checked his heartbeat one last time. There was no heartbeat. Tommy was gone.

[Tubbo's POV]

I grinned all the way back to Tommy's house, i opened the door to Tommy's secret house and i entered closing the door behind me. 

"T-tubo?" Shroud said almost saying Tubbo's name correctly.

"Hey buddy." I said unable to lose the massive grin that was plastered on my face.

"Why smile much big?" Shroud asked.

"Uhm... Because Tommy said you can come over to mine for a while!" I said.

Shroud smile became very wide as he rushed over to me and hugged my legs. 

"REALLY?!" Shroud said with a massive smile and clear happiness in his tone of voice.

"Yeah, c'mon let's go buddy." I said offering to pick Shroud up.

Shroud jumped into my hands and looked super happy, i then took Shroud back to my house. It took a hour to bring him back but i didn't really mind. When i opened the door i saw both Michael and Ranboo in the living room. Both of them looked over to me confused.

"Who's that?" Ranboo asked Tubbo confused.

"I'll tell you in private, for now how about you meet Michael Shroud." I said dropping Shroud.

Shroud and Michael quickly bonded, Michael lead Shroud to his room to play. When they were both gone i went over to Ranboo ready with my lie.

"So? Why is he here?" Ranboo asked confused.

"Tommy... he gave him to me before he died... I don't want to talk about his death..." I said parenting to be sad but am honestly happy deep down.

Ranboo looked shocked and just stunned, I felt a little bad but I atleast got rid of the brat.

"He... He's dead..?" Ranboo softly asked as he teared up.

I nod my head. He is gone. And I will never tell anyone I am the reason.


JUST WANT TO SAY A THANK YOU FOR THIS BEING MY MOST POPULAR STORY I HAVE EVER MADE! I love you all so much!! 😭❤ Sorry to end it like this but I had too! I wish I had more ideas but I don't. I haven't been doing well lately so this has been a draft for a long time🥲 Sorry it's so short of an ending, I have no ideas for a better ending. Just another small thank you for all of the reads and votes! I truly love you all. I would be highly grateful if you gave me more ideas for books to write! I am entering my FNAF phase so feel free to give me ideas for a FNAF book as well! But no ships! Unless it's William x Mrs. Afton, the only exception! Anyway bye loves!!

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