Mountain ~ Part 7

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[Nothing to start with]

[No one's POV]


"Hey, I got to go sorry. Shroud needs me so I can make him dinner." Tommy said not realizing he mentioned his son.

"Who's Shroud?" Tubbo asked helping Tommy relize he just mentioned his son.

"Oh uhm... he's uhh... okay, so I might have a spider son? Surprise?" Tommy said wondering what Tubbo's reaction will be.

"Cool! I wanna meet him!" Tubbo said excitedly.

"Sure, do you wanna meet him now or later?" Tommy asked

"Wait you can't see, how will you get home?" Tubbo asked concerned.

"Oh don't worry, it's a secret home. I hid it so my son will be safe. I know the woods like my back of my hand we'll be fine, now follow me." Tommy said getting up.

Tubbo trusted Tommy not to get them lost, Tubbo stood up next to Tommy and tapped his shoulder lightly to let him know.

Tubbo tapped you're shoulder, so hurry your ass up and get a move on.



Fatherinnit must see son



Tommy listened to his voices and started walking, he could here Tubbo walking behind him. Tubbo was surprised that Tommy was doing so well walking in the forest even with no vision. He avoided tree branches and things he could fall on very well, like things were warning him about danger or things he could hurt himself on. Tubbo didn't think about Tommy having voices at all, he knew Techno had voices that made him do bad things but Tommy had never done a bad thing, well other than grieving George's house. Tommy was a nice kind guy but exile changed him, it's like he has no emotion anymore.

After what felt like ages Tommy finnaly stopped and looked in the direction of a mountain. The scenery was beautiful, flowers everywhere, a beautiful water fountain was displayed on the right side with gorgeous dark and light green grass surrounding it. It was like paradise, Tubbo noticed Tommy moving closer twords the mountain so Tubbo followed. As soon as they got to the front of the mountain Tommy opened a very secret and disguised door, Tommy entered leaving Tubbo stuck in shock not only by the beauty of his home but also by the facts he could do so much even though he's blind.

"You comming?" Tommy said.

"How do you know where I currently am?" Tubbo asked.

"I didn't lose all my senses idiot, now hurry up." Tommy said.

[Sorry but I'm leaving it here, my Aunt needs me to help her with some stuff so I can't continue with this, I for once have no idea how many words I put- but anyway bye loves! <3]

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