Exile part 1

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Hi the story title explains it all, the first few parts he won't be blind but it will happen eventually! This is not connected any lore really its kinda just an AU so please do not hate on me! Please and I mean PLEASE give me ideas for more books or things to write! I accept ships but only platonic ones and DEFINITELY not illegal ones. If you have any ships make sure the people are confirible with the ship befor eyou recommended it, thank you and enjoy!







Bad grammer


         [Tommy's POV]

Its so cold! I wish Dream let me keep my things because then maybe I would ACTUALLY HAVE enough wood to make a base but NO! That green telitubi looking ass bitch won't let me keep ANY OF IT! Because I might escape with it. Like who does he think he is? My mum? This is so fucking stupid especially because I might catch a cold with me not knowing how to even solve a rubix cube THAT FUCKIGN 10 YEAR OLDS CAN SOLVE!

I have no idea how to even escape exile like he knows i have no fucking idea how to do a lot of things. I know Technos house is near [R.I.P blood God:(] but i know if I go there's not turning back because I have no sence of direction AT ALL! I have to shelter myself quick before I do actually catch a cold.


I think i cought a cold... I finnaly finished my roof and I'm warm as hell, not in a good way. This is bad... I think it's a really bad cold I'm so fucking warm, I can't hear the rain anymore I think it's safe to go outside. It seems to be midday so I should be fine if I stay cautious. *knock knock knock* "Who's there?" Tommy asked, without even being fucking being invited in Dream opens the door and walked in like he was ready to give Tommy a fucking large ass bill like the annoying ass landlord's. Tommy froze in place. "Hi Tommy, I see you made a little hut. Well you look very shocked, not exited to see your best freind?" Drean says grinning at Tommy's terrified expression He... he's here... HES FUCKING HERE. Tommy thought trying to speak out a single word but nothing came out. "OH, you look sick need someone to help you?" Dream continued satisfied with Tommy's reaction. "Hi... Dream." Tommy finnaly spoke.

[HA CLIFFHANGER I THINK >:3! Anyway this is the end of part one and I wanna know does anyone really want another part? Because I'll gladly write another one if yall want. Byeeeee! ♡♡]

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