Chapter 1

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Oikawa was on his way to school. He didn't have a morning practice because of some problems in the gym. 

It was wierd. His best friend Iwaizumi didn't want to go to school together like they usually do. Something was up.

He liked his childhood best friend for a long time now. He thinks it started his first year at Aoba Johsai. He started to blush every time he looked at Iwaizumi. He managed to control it but still he finds every single thing about his best friend hot. Everything except perhaps his personality. The guy liked to smash his head every time he was getting annoying to him. But still it doesn't mather to Oikawa. He's still in love with him.

When he arrived at school he was welcomed by his fangirls who he decided to ignore. He wasn't in the mood to greet them like every day.

In class there was no sign of Iwaizumi. Oikawa was getting mad. His best friend was hiding something and he didn't like it. Then two minutes before the bell the guy arrived and sit down at his desk. He didn't even greet Oikawa. He pull out his phone and started texting someone and smiling.

Oikawa was so pissed. But then the teacher arrived and he decided to let it go. He will ask him at lunch.


After some classes he was sitting at the table with Matsukawa and Hanamaki wating for Iwaizumi to show up.

"Yo, where is your precious Iwa-chan?" asked Hanamaki.

"Don't know he ran off the class as soon the bell ringed." he just answered him with his mad face.

Hanamaki and Matsukawa sensed something was off so they didn't ask further.

After some minutes Iwaizumi finally arrived with a happy face and sat next to them at the table.

"Where were you?" Oikawa asked his best friend with a mad face.

"Oh, nothing I had something to do." Iwaizumi said. "Actually can you come with me after school to this new cafe that opened a week ago? I have something to tell you." he added.

Oikawa's face lit up. He finally smiled after a long time that day. "Of course!"


After shool the two were on their way to the cafe. They had one hour before the practice starts so they didn't think much about time.

In the cafe they sar down to the table near windows. Iwaizumi kept looking around. Oikawa brushed it off and went to order to them. He knows everything about his best friend so he knwe exacly what to get him.

When he get back Iwaizumi was sitting next to a girl.

"Hey, Oikawa's back. Come here and sit." Iwaizumi said suprisingly happily.

Oikawa sat down slowly. "Ehm, I got you your favourite drink. Anyways who is this?" he said

"Oikawa I want you to meet my girfriend Yamada Mei. Mei this is Oikawa you know him." Iwaizumi introduced them with a happy smile.

Oikawa's heart broke into a million pieces. Girlfriend. His crush has a girlfriend.

"Wow I'm so happy for you." he said with a fake smile. Nobody notices because the couple was happily feeding each other with Mei's ice cream.

"Actually I have to go. I have something to do that I forgot." said Oikawa and before Iwaizumi could say anything he ran out of the cafe.

He was running and running util he arrived at the playground. The playground where he met Iwaizumi. He sat there under a tree and started to sry.

"You ok?" someone said.

Oikawa lifted his head up and saw Kageyama standing in front of him. He quicly he wiped his tears on his sleeves and glared at his underclassman.

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