CHAP-28 land of immortals

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Vibhishan knew that if they want to go look for the sword.It's better that they do it as sly as possible.Vibhishan the Immortal brother of Emperor Raavan, has been ruling Lanka for more than two thousand years.
Krishna knew, he would be a great help to find the sword.
"We should start from this temple."
Vibhishan suggested, staring at the map of Golden Lanka.
"Why is it that all the temples inside Ravana's Lanka is of Mahadev?"
Vasuda can only find Shiva temples in the whole map and nothing else.
"My brother is a huge devotee of him, in fact he build the Golden Lanka to show his tribute to God Shiva."
Vibhishan knew that his dead brother used to be the head of the shaiva committee.
"So, why did you guys closed the way to golden Lanka?"
Apsara asked Vibhishan, who looked at her uncomfortably.
"Because, Golden Lanka is also known as Raavana's Lanka, lord Ram asked to Shutdown the way to it, since it is where all the history of Raavan and The sword exists. It would be risky to make it a part of the Lankan empire."
He explained as he poured wine for everyone gathered around his table.
"Take one, everyone."He granted the glasses of wine to them.
"So, why don't you know where the sword is hidden?"
Subhadra asked the Emperor of Lanka.
"That is top secret, only Mahadev and Raavan know exactly, in which temple it is hidden. But I think maybe the Temple is also hidden somewhere."

"Okay, so we now know much about the sword, though what about that mysterious land that Narayan talked about?"
Apsara mentioned it, as Krishna's ears and other sense organs became more alive.
"That mission can only be done by you Jia."
Krishna looked at the Chinese beauty.
"Me, what do you mean?"
Jia questioned.
"That land is the land of immortals, who once broke out of the barrier and settled near rivers to make the Water dragon Tribals."
Krishna's words made Jia shocked, as she did not knew anything about such a big and odd secret.
"Wait, so you are telling us that jia's homeland people were from that mystery land?"
Vasuda tried to process all the things in his head.
Krishna said in response.
"Hold on, how did you know about this?"
Subhadra questioned her brother knowing, he knew many secrets they wanted in this journey.
"Well, did I forget to mention that I am talking about Shambhala."
His words shocked Apsara, she realized the reason why Narayan asked her to find this mysterious land.
"So that's it."

To be continued

<{Guys I know I wrote in the story that Shambala is inside Tagzig olmo lung ring, but I made some changes in the story that It is not in Tagzig olmo lung ring.
And also I made some change in The first chapter, not that much I wrote a bit more about how she escaped from Tagzig olmo lung ring. And wrote a bit more about Arjun and Apsara in the chapter ~Flirting~ so if you wish you can read it.}>

Dawn Of Blood & The Seven Immortals |Mahabharat fiction|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang