Chap - 11

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The atmosphere in the room shifted as Krishna and the others, except Apsara, waited anxiously for her arrival. Vasuda's impatience was evident, his restless energy palpable as he paced back and forth. Maya glanced nervously at the door, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her Sari. Jiayi's curiosity bubbled beneath the surface, her eyes darting between her companions. Minutes ticked by like hours as they waited for Apsara's arrival. Each passing moment only seemed to heighten the tension in the room. Krishna, ever composed, maintained a calm demeanor, but even he couldn't conceal a hint of concern in his eyes. Finally, the door creaked open, and Apsara entered, her presence commanding attention. The relief that washed over the room was palpable, though tinged with a touch of frustration. Vasuda couldn't help but shoot her a reproachful glance, while Jiayi's curiosity got the better of her.

"Where have you been, Apsara?" she asked, her tone a blend of concern and exasperation.Apologizing quickly, Apsara explained her delay.
"I had to return a faulty fabric to Varuna's shop in the marketplace."
Krishna, ever composed, took charge of the moment, drawing the curtains shut and casting the room in a soft, golden glow as he lit the oil lamps. The flickering light danced across their faces, casting shadows that seemed to mirror the weight of the conversation to come.
Seated around the opulent ebony and gold table in Krishna's chamber, the air was charged with anticipation. Krishna, his presence commanding, broached the subject with a casual yet profound inquiry.

"Samaya mentioned the Sword of Lanka, did she not?" His voice, smooth as honey, cut through the silence.

Jiayi, her eyes alight with understanding, nodded eagerly. "Yes, it's an ancient artefact of immense power, said to possess the ability to restore balance to our world. I remember the whole sentence she said."
Vasuda, ever the pragmatic one, leaned forward, his curiosity piqued.
"But what makes this sword so significant?"
The question hung in the air.
Krishna nodded, his gaze steady as he addressed their questions. "The Sword of Lanka is more than just a relic of the past. Legends speak of its potency, which manifests fully only in the hands of an immortal or a true Emperor."
Krishna's words hung in the air, their weight felt by all gathered around the table. Maya, her curiosity piqued, ventured forth with a question that lingered on the minds of many.
"Who the heck is supposed to be a true Emperor?" she inquired, her voice soft but filled with intrigue.
"I don't know! How am I supposed to know that."
Krishna said taking a bite of the banana that he peeled.
"Maybe its a poetic reference to a person."
Apsara said, her brows furrowed in concentration. Krishna nodded humming while chewing the banana.
"That could be a considerable fact,"
He said after swallowing the lump of chewed banana.
"Okay, quick question. Why do we even need to find this sword? Like who even is our enemy?"
Vasuda said, putting a bit sense into others.
"That question makes a lot of sense, who the hell are we even fighting against?"

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