CHAP-14 Mine, just mine

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"And she will be my Wife."

Ashwathama pointed towards Apsara.

Apsara's eyes widened.

All were in shock seeing the move of the North Panchal Emperor.

"What kind of nonsense, son, use your brain."

Dronacharya looked weirdly at his son.

"This is the best idea father. Them all are my prisoners, Panchal's Prison is secure for criminals like them. And she is wise, brave, elegant and beautiful, A perfect empress fit for a perfect emperor."

Ashwathama stared at Apsara.

"I agree with him."

Dritharashtr said.

"We are no asuras, we are just humans."

Jiayi looked at Karn, hoping for help.

"I think Jiayi has a point, they don't seem to do any harm."

Karn requested to save his love.

"Thanks." Jia obliged

"No harm? This demon just almost killed Kripa."

Bhism roared.

"That was me. They did no wrong, why do you punish them? Arjun say something."

Apsara really wished Govind had not left for Dwaraka.

Or else he would definitely be on her side.

"I- uh."

Arjun was not able to say a word, cause he knew she was a demon princess and yet he didn't mention a word about it to the court.

"Now, nobody has rights upon her, I want her as my bride and it is decided, she and I are now engaged."

Ashwathama placed an evil smirk on his lips.


Arjun roared in anger, he still loves her of course. He doesn't wanna lose his love.

"Arjun, why are you trying to protect a demon?"

The Emperor would do anything that will be good for him and his sons.

"He will, your majesty, He will. Perhaps the demon enchantress has put a love spell on the third son of the late king Pandu ."

Shakuni added more spice to the fire.

"Arjun, is that true? Do you love her?, if you do, a million disappointments on you. I will throw you out of the kingdom."

The emperor closed his eyes, trying to reduce his anger.

"I -I, No I don't love her."

Apsara's heart shattered on his words.

The Twin sons of Madri stared at their elder brother in shock.

Apsara's temper went out of tune again, a few minutes ago they were enjoying a nice date in the grass of the garden, and now he says he doesn't love her.

"Good for you."

The king said.

"But son you marrying this girl, who almost killed your uncle a moment ago is not right."

Dronacharya did not like Ashwathama's Idea at all, he loved his son so much that he would give the whole world to save him.

"I agree, I agree on the marriage with the Panchal naresh."

Apsara death glared at Arjun, Arjun looked away unable to see what happened next.

Ashwathama smirked and just giggled.

"Great, now you are mine."

He walked towards her, holded her chin up. He stared at her eyes, admiring her beauty. His next move made everyone.

He immediately kissed her lips, Arjun almost lost his control but hung on tight to his knife's hand.

"Hey bro, hands off her, She is not your wife yet."

Yohan moved Ashwathama away from her, concernedly.

"Guards, lock up these four asuras."

Ashwathama commanded, Maya looked at Nakul asking for help. But the emperor's word was the last order.

"Your majesty, please let Jiayi go, She did nothing."

Karna pleaded to the Emperor.

"Sorry not sorry Angaraj, I have the rights upon them."

Ashwathama said and patted Karn's shoulder.

He used the opportunity to get his revenge back on Karna for stealing his best friend.

"And these Nagas will be hastinapur's prisoners."

Shakuni said, signaling the soldiers.

One by one left the place leaving both Ashwathama and Apsara alone there.

It was almost sunset. He started rounding her.

"Ashwathama, I thought you were a nice guy, but you, you are a monster."

She sobbed slowly, he grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him.

He sniffed her hair, enjoying her scent.

"Did you expect me to be a follower of Dharma like Crown Prince Yudhishtir?"

He chuckled maniacally.

"you will pay for this."

He just smirked, he again held her chin up towards his face and pecked her lips.

"Such a beautiful Queen for a handsome King, aren't your lips so tasty, I would want to kiss you every morning when I wake up."

His words made her disgusted, she now hated him more than ever.

"You did not expect Arjun to say that, did you? And now that he said it, you're now completely mine, only me and nobody else, Mine just mine."

He immediately kissed her roughly, she tried pushing him away, but failed.

The royals can actually do any nonsense in front of the guards.

He broke the kiss and walked away.

Apsara falled on her knees and cried her heart out, the pain was not bearable for her, her heart ached like hell.

The four other Kaliyugis were held captive for a night at the Hastinapur dungeon.

To be continued

{hey guys, now Ashwathama has become the bad boy main lead. Let read what happens at the next chapter.😉 until then, peace.}

Dawn Of Blood & The Seven Immortals |Mahabharat fiction|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora