Chap - 6 The Soiree

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As Apsara, Maya, and Jiayi stepped into the grand soiree at the opulent palace of Hastinapura, they couldn't help but feel a mixture of nervousness and awe. The chamber was aglow with the flickering light of countless candles, casting a soft radiance upon the assembled guests who mingled and danced with an air of elegance and refinement.

"It's... overwhelming," Maya whispered, her eyes wide as she took in the splendor of their surroundings. "I've never seen anything like it."

Apsara nodded, her gaze darting nervously around the room.
"And these robes," she murmured, tugging at the heavy fabric of her attire.
"I feel like I'm drowning in silk and jewels."

Jiayi chuckled softly, her movements slightly awkward beneath the weight of her ornate garments.
"Tell me about it," she replied, adjusting the shimmering necklace that adorned her neck. "I think I'll need a chiropractor after tonight."

Despite their discomfort, the three friends exchanged amused glances, finding solace in their shared sense of unease amidst the opulence of the royal soiree.
As Apsara, Maya, and Jiayi weaved their way through the bustling chamber, their eyes were drawn to a figure across the room. Amidst the sea of elegant guests, Vasuda stood out like royalty, his attire that commanded attention.

"Look at Vasuda," Apsara murmured, her voice tinged with admiration as she caught sight of him.
Maya's gaze followed Apsara's, her eyes widening in awe at the sight of their friend transformed into a vision of majestic elegance. "I've never seen him look so... princely," she breathed, her voice filled with wonder.
Jiayi's eyes sparkled with excitement as she observed Vasuda's royal attire.
"He could pass for a zamindar from a bygone era," Apsara remarked, her voice filled with awe.
Clad in golden dhoti adorned with intricate black and gold embroidery, and a pearl necklace that glimmered in the soft candlelight, Vasuda looked every bit the part of a nobleman from a royal lineage.
"Woah, all he need is a crown to be called a King."
Although he looked royal, his face seemed worried.
They knew he was looking for them
"Kanna, here!"
Apsara called out. Vasuda saw them, their sight made his eyes gleam in relief.
As Vasuda sauntered over, Apsara couldn't contain her excitement.
"Vasuda, you're lookin' sharp!" she exclaimed, giving him a playful nudge.
Vasuda grinned, a twinkle in his eye as he glanced at his friends. "Thanks, Y'all ain't lookin' too shabby yourselves," he replied, his tone lighthearted.
Maya chuckled, adjusting her dress.
"It's not every day we get dolled up like this," she remarked, a hint of amusement in her voice.
Jiayi smirked, giving Vasuda a teasing grin.
"Gotta admit, Vasuda, you're stealin' the show tonight," she teased, earning a laugh from the group.
Vasuda shrugged, his smile widening.
"Just tryin' to keep up with the best of 'em," he quipped, his easygoing demeanor putting everyone at ease.

As they engaged in light-hearted banter, their attention was drawn to the arrival of Krishna and the Pandavas. They couldn't help but admire Krishna's majestic appearance, his aura radiating with a timeless elegance that captivated all who beheld him.

"Lord Govinda!" Thay said bowing with an Anjali Mudra, their voice tinged with awe as they took in his regal attire adorned with vibrant peacock feathers.
Krishna smiled warmly in response, his presence commanding attention with every graceful movement. "Greetings!" he replied humbly, his eyes twinkling with kindness.
The Pandavas stood beside Krishna, their own attire paling in comparison to his resplendent appearance. Despite their noble stature, none could rival the effortless charm and magnificence of Krishna, whose presence seemed to illuminate the entire chamber with a celestial glow.
As Krishna gestured towards his companions, he introduced them with a simple yet regal declaration.
"These are my cousins, the sons of Emperor Pandu."

"I am Yudhishthira." the eldest said, his voice steady and dignified. He had the most amount of ornaments on, compared to his youngers.
Could be possible because of his higher status.

"I am Bhima," the second declared, his stature imposing yet his smile warm. He was probably the tallest man in the entire world, the others looked like a minion, compared to him.

"I am Arjuna," the third announced, his gaze steady. Out of all, it was clear that it was him, who had the best body shape compared with his brothers. His posture was so handsome that he almost beaten Vasuda. But when the fourth introduced himself, it was clear he was the most handsome, with a small face and high nose bridge accompanied with sharp jaw line, he looked fantastic.

"I am Nakula," He stated.

"And I am Sahadeva," the youngest added, his demeanor calm and composed.

"Govinda, are you saying that these guys are- are, the Pandavas."
Apsara said jaw dropped and eyes widened.
Krishna said with a straight face.
"How do you know we are called the Pandavas?"
The eldest of the five asked.
"We know, we know,"
Maya said with widened and shocked eyes.
"I didn't know that name was this famous."
Nakula said with a pride smile.
"And when you four were unconscious it was us who saved you from the river banks."
The third Pandava said, with great importance.
"The river banks?"
Apsara asked looking towards Krishna in confusion.
"What did you think? You popped out no where to that beds in the Hospital wing?"
The four just nidded in agreement to what Krishna said indirectly.
"So, we didn't really get to meet at the hospital wing, what are you all called?"
The eldest asked in a calm nature.
"I am Apsara Devi Kalpa, these are my -"
Apsara stopped and looked at Krishna in confusion.
"Go on! I don't mind."
Krishna replied with a chuckle.
"they are my younger siblings."
Apsara finished her sentence in a relief, only for Krishna's chuckle to turn into cackling.
"What now?"
She complained.
"You do know that, Jiayi is three thousand years older than you."
Krishna said with more laughing.
"Three thousand- , you never said that you were three thousand years older than I am."
"I'm a water Dragon, what do you expect my age to be?"
Jiayi said, making Krishna continue his irritating laughter that the Pandavas found confusing.
"Fine, i'll tell the truth! I am an outcast Princess of the Kingdom of Amaravati in the Kali Yuga five thousand years later. I am kicked out of my Kingdom for opposing my father's tyrant rule of injustice. And this is Vasuda son of my father's General Koka and this is Jiayi, a water dragon who is apparently five thousand years old. And this is Maya, the only daughter of Mayaasura. Oh! And for the record, we are time travelers."
Apsara shouted with vexation, startling everyone, including her own friends. Krishna definitely had to stop laughing, he knew or else he'll be in trouble.
"Sorry! We didn't knew you were in a bad situation. But I am sorry time travellers?"
Yudhishtira asked with great curiosity.
"Oh, forget it. Krishna will explain it to you when he have time. Right Govinda?"
Maya asked Krishna who was terrified of Apsara.
"Yes, yes. I'll tell you all about."
"Okay, now if you excuse us, we'll right back after cooling this vixen."
Vasuda said as the took Apsara with them.
"That girl has the worst temper. Samaya wasn't lying, she is terrifying."
"Who is Samaya?"
Arjun asked with his eye brows furrowed.
"I said I'll explain it."

To be contnued

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