New Girl

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Luke and I both went down to his room to talk. Everything looks the same from a year ago.

I don't know how to feel. I missed him when I was away, but since I've been back. I haven't wanted to talk or even see him.

"Look, I'm sorry," he says with a sad expression.

Luka was still in love with me even though he was with my sister.

He wanted to wait until I came back. But something about Marinette just drove him to be with her.

"Do you love her?" I ask him, looking down.

"Yeah, but I still love you," he says.

"But, you're with her. How could you do that, I told you what she did to me. She tortured me every day of my life, and you-" I start to cry, thinking about it.

"Marinette is a good person, I'm sorry I broke our promise," he says.

"You're not the own person that fell in love with someone else..." I say, he says, surprised.

"But I didn't act on those feelings because of you because I couldn't wait to see you again... the first day I came back, I saw you kissing her," I say, trying not to cry.

He says, surprised and sad. Luka feels bad about what he did getting with my sister.

He's completely shocked that I fell in love with someone else. He wants to be angry and jealous, but he does the same thing, so he can't be mad even though he wants to be.

He wants to say something, but he doesn't know what to do. I don't know what to say either.

I rub my eyes and walk out of his room. He wants to stop me, but he doesn't.

I walk up top, and Adrian sees me crying. He goes to me and asks me what happened.

I grab his hand and walk out of the boat house.

Marinette sees us walking away. And she can't help but feel jealous again.

Adrian and I walk around the city as I tell him what happened. "I hate everything, I don't want to be here," I say.

"My life wasn't perfect, but it was a lot better than this before I left, The whole reason I left is because I didn't like the way things were," I say, crying and crossing my arms.

"You shouldn't have left," Adrian puts his arm around me, comforting me.

"No," I say, wiping my tears. He looks at me confused, still holding me. "I never should have come back," I say, crying.

"Being in New York, it was the best time of my life. Even since I've been back, my whole life has fallen apart," I say, crying more.

We stop walking, and he hugs me. "I'll take you home," he says, taking his phone out to call his driver.

"No, please, I don't want to go home," I say.

"Then come to my place," Adrian says.

I smile at him. He calls his car driver and we go to his place.

I text my parents and let them know I'm staying at my friend's house. I didn't tell them it was a boy, tho.

Adrian kind of sneaks me into his house. So his dad doesn't know I'm here.

We just sit on his couch and watch TV while I try to calm down.

It's almost 12, and Adrian and I are both getting tired. I lay my head back.

I eventually fall asleep on the couch. Adrian looks over at me and smiles.

He doesn't like me in that way. But he's really happy to see that I'm asleep.

He feels bad about what happened, and he wishes he could do more. Adrian picks my bridal style and puts me in his bed, pulling the covers over me before going to the couch and falling asleep.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

I wake up the next morning in Adrian's bed. I'm really confused and don't remember falling asleep in his bed.

I look over and see that he's asleep on his couch. I stand up and go to the bathroom.

When I come back, I see Adrian starting to wake up. We both start to get ready for school. And then he has his driver drop us both off.

Marinette and Alya are talking out of the school on the steps.

Adrian gets out of the car before I do and holds the door open for me.

We both get out together and see Marinette staring at us.

She wants to feel angry at me. We're getting out of the same car as Adrian.

But she remembers what I said about Luka when we fought. She wants to feel angry, but she can't.

We both get out of the car and start heading into the school.

We see Nino and Adrian go over there to talk to him,  and I go over to talk to Juleka and Rose.

"Hey, what'd you run out all of sudden last night," Juleka asks, confused.

Luka mustn't have told her. "Oh, uh, it was nothing," I say.

We go to class, Adrian and I read our books and talk. We hear the door open, I don't pay attention, tho.

"Class, this is our new student," I hear Miss Bustier say. She said her name, but I didn't pay attention to what she said.

"Listen up, you nobodies, this is my half-sister, Zoe, you must treat her with the respect she receives, you bow down," I hear Chloe yell.

What Zoe? I look over and see Chloe, who walks into class waiting, standing with a girl who looks somewhat like her.

I look this girl up and down. My eyes must be playing tricks on me. I rub my eyes, but sure enough, it's her, Zoe Lee.

My best friend, the girl I've been missing since I've been back. The girl I started to fall in love with.

Words: 1004

The Best Year Of My Life: Zoe Lee x Female ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora