Luka Couffaine

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"Where is it?!" Marinette barged into my room, practically, kicking open the door.

"Where's what?" I ask, confused, dropping my pencil as I was drawing.

She lost her bracelet. She had matching once with all her friends. I was supposed to have one, too, but I got sick the day they all went to get them.

They don't make those kind of bracelets anymore, and they were exactly enough, for. Marinette, Alya, Alix, Julica, Rose, Mylene, and me.

Marinette was supposed to give me mine since I was sick. But she somehow 'lost' it on the way home.

My sister doesn't really like to me, and she doesn't like that we share friends.

In our class, everyone is friends with everyone. But she can't stand the fact that my friends are her friends. She's never included me in the friend group.

"I know you took it. Where did you put it?" Marinette yells, opening all of my drawers and going through my stuff.

"What are you doing? Don't touch my stuff," I yell at her, flying up from my bed, before she could touch my art box.

"What's going on in here?" Mom asks as her and dad run on the stairs after hearing us yelling from the bakery.

"It's y/n, she stole my bracelet," Marinette yells, turning to our parents.

As she does, her elbow hits my glass jewelry box, It's kind of small circled, and the lid is two bunny's, I got it in china when we visited our uncle, he got in for me, it's my favorite.

My jewelry box hits the floor and breaks, and the bottom breaks in two, and the bunny head breaks off. I gosp and my parents and sister just stare at it.

"I didn't take your stupid bracelet, now get out of my room," I yell as I push her out of my room, slamming my door.

I go to my jewelry box and start picking up the pieces. I place them on my dresser before sitting on my bed, trying to calm down.

I hear my door open. I look over and see my mom. I don't say anything as she comes and sits next to me.

"Sweat heart, what happened?" She asks me.

"Marinette, she came into my room yelling at me, I didn't take her bracelet," I say, trying not to yell at mom.

"I'll talk to Marinette, and don't worry honey, we'll fix it," she says, leaving my room. She goes to Marinette's room.

Our dad is already in there talking to her. "I know she took it, Papa. I can't find anywhere, and she's always been mad she didn't get one," Marinette said, sitting on her desk chair as dad stands next to her.

"Marinette, y/n said she didn't take it," Mom says, standing next to dad.

"She's lying, I know it,".

"Did you check everywhere?" Mom asks her.


"Well, it has to be here somewhere, but you should go apologize to your sister," mom says as her and dad are about to walk out of the room.

"What. No," Marinette yells standing up from her chair.

"Marinette Dpain-Cheng, your sister is very upset because of you," Mom says, somewhat yelling. Marinette is surprised and doesn't say anything.

I sit in my bed with my legs to my chest. I hear a knock on my door. "Go away," I yell.

"Y/n," I hear Marinette's voice. I roll my eyes and don't say anything.

She yells my name a couple more times. I just ignore her. She eventually goes away.

I text Luka, and he tells me to come over, Juleka's not home. She's at Rose's. I go downstairs to the bakery, passing Marinette, but I just ignore her.

I walk right by mom and just leave and start heading to Luka's place.

I tell him everything, whenever I have a fight with my sister I always go to him. His my best friend, and we're always there for each other. He knows everything about me and my sister.

"I'm sorry, y/n," Luka says, holding my hand as I sit on his bed. Facing each other, both chris cross.

I blush a little as I look at our hands. I've always had a bit of a crush on Luka. But he's my best friend, and I don't want to ruin our friendship.

He grabs his guitar, letting go of my hand. He starts to play a nice caim melody. I close my eyes as I listen to it.

We move sitting side my side against his wall, and I lean my head on his shoulder.

He puts his guitar down and leans his head on mine, and closes his eyes. I think we ended up falling asleep because the next thing I see is Juleka.

"Juleka, when did you get here," I ask as Luka lifts his head, and I do the same.

"Like, 5 minutes ago, Girl, you have like 30 miss calls," Juleka says, and I quickly grab my phone. We've been asleep for 3 hours, and it's 10 at night.

"Shit," I have 5 calls from mom, 4 from dad, and 6 from Marinette. I also have lots of texts. 'Where are you?' 'It's time to come home,' 'y/n, where are you?' 'Who are you with?' 'Sweetheart, it's getting late,' And lots of others.

"I need to get home," I say, jumping out of bed.

"I'll walk you," Luka says. "I'm sorry, y/n, I didn't mean to fall asleep," Luka says.

"I didn't either, it's fine, I just hope I don't get in trouble," I say.

Marinette had called everyone and was looking for me. She called Juleka, but she didn't know i was at her house at the time.

She couldn't help but think I was still mad at her, and that's why I'm not answering anyone's calls or texts. Marinette was honestly worried about her sister.

She ran around everywhere, looking for me. "Tikki, what do I do? This is all my fault," she says, taking a seat on a park beach.

"Marinette, you need to find your sister, I'm sure she's fine," Tikki says, trying to help her holder feel better.

"Yeah, you're right," Marinette stands up and gets ready to go look for me when she sees me walking with Luka, heading towards the Bakery.

"Y/n!" Marinette yells, running towards me.

"What do you want?" I say meaner than I attended.

She looks surprised then mad. "Are you serious? I've been looking everywhere for you," Marinette says.

"I was at Luka's," I say, walking past her towards the bakery.

She grabs my hand. "I was worried about you. You can't just disappear like that," Marinette says, auger.

"Why do you care? You always disappear when your friends come around," I say pissed.

"I am so sick and tired of your attention, I'm your sister,"

"Yeah and I'm your, yet all you do is yell at me, accuse me of things, lie to me, steal OUR friends, and treat me like I don't exist... so don't play the worried sister act. We both know you'll be much happier if I didn't exist,".

"So they why are you sill here? You always say you want to leave Paris. No one is stopping you and no one wants you here, so just do everyone a favor and get out of our lifes," Marinette yells. She covers her mouth and looks shocked with herself.

"Luka, you should go home," I say with tears forming in my eyes.

"Y/n," he said, trying to grab my hand.

"I said go home," I yell and run to the Bakery.

Luka looks back at Marinette, Marinette looks down with a sad look. That's not how she really felt, but she was so angry she just said it.

Luka walks away from Marinette, and she falls to the floor.

"Y/n, we've been worried sick. Where have you been?" mom and dad ask, worried.

I run past them and upstairs to my room, locking the door.

Words: 1349

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