"Kepus." Deirys smiled at him and walked closer. "Have you been avoiding me?"

"What? Of course not." She almost laughed when she walked closer to him and he took a step back. "Why would you believe that?"

"Because you flew out of Driftmark at the first opportunity, without saying goodbye." Deirys took one of his hands in hers. "And I did not see or hear from you in four days. Have I done something to upset you?"

"No, I have just been busy." She linked their fingers together and looked up at him. Aemond looked at their hands, before looking back at her. "I did not mean to make you feel like I was running from you."

"I will consider forgiving you." Deirys moved closer to him, their bodies almost touching. "If you tell me why you have been avoiding me, and do not lie, you have never been too busy to spend at least a few hours of your day with me."

"I just thought you might need some time to adjust to being back." His fingers caressed the back of her hand and this time he moved closer to her, the front of their bodies touching now. He rubbed one of her curls between his fingers, then pushed it behind her ear. "I also wanted to give you time with your parents and siblings. They have missed you all these years, they probably want you for themselves."

"And you do not?" His head lowered until their faces were close together. She smiled at him. "You did not miss me? You do not want me for yourself?"

His face moved closer until she could feel his breath on her lips. One of his hands moved to her face, caressing the side of it, while his other hand tightened on hers. She wanted him to kiss her. In a way, it felt like she had been waiting forever, even if when she was a little girl she did not understand what their connection was. The gods had told her he was meant to be hers, he was her champion. They would always be bound together. She was sure he felt the same way, he belonged to her and she belonged to him. Deirys had never been one for patience or waiting for things to fall into her hands. She had always gone after what she wanted and this would not be different. Their lips were almost touching at this point. Deirys had to stand on the tip of her toes, Aemond was much taller than she was.

"I can see why you did not make it to the morning meal." Aemond and her jumped apart and looked to the door. Her father stood there, he had a furious look on his face. "We waited for you. Your mother is still waiting for you in our chambers. If you can please go see her, she wants to speak to you about a decision your grandsire has taken."

"Yes, papa." Deirys gave her uncle a mischievous smile. "Kesi ȳdragon tolī kepus. (We will speak later, uncle.)"

Deirys stepped around her father and left the armory. She hoped her mother would not be upset with her. Deirys entered her parent's chambers, her mother was sitting close to the balcony doors, brushing Alyssa's hair, and Visenya was sitting close by, reading a book. Rhaenyra looked up and smiled when she saw her.

"Well, hello little hatchling." Visenya smiled briefly at her before returning to her book, Alyssa gave her a small wave. "We missed you during the morning meal. Your grandsire made sure to have all your favorite foods prepared."

"I'm sorry, mama." Now she felt guilty, she should at least have someone let them know she would not be there. "I will make sure someone informs you if I'm not able to be there next time."

"Did you at least eat something?"

"Is fine, I am not hungry." Deirys sat close to her mother. "Papa said you had some news."

"Yes, your grandsire has decided to give you a position in the small council."

"I do not think I am allowed to be his cupbearer any longer." Not that she wanted to either. "I do not think I am the right age anymore."

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