I Wanna See Some Skin

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"My door's unlocked." Gibbs told Tony as the younger agent walked away from the scene of the explosion that Jane Doe had caused at her company.

"I know." Tony told him with a smirk as he continued to walk without stopping. He thought about staying at Gibbs' all day when Kate wouldn't offer him a place to stay while the boiler at his place was being repaired, but after his talk with Abby that afternoon, he decided that maybe she'd allow him to sleep over at her apartment for the night and he'd go to Gibbs' place the next night instead.

He got into his car and took out his cell phone, texting Abby. "On my way. See you soon." He quickly flipped his phone shut and started his car before putting his seatbelt on. Just as he was about to put the car in drive, he heard his phone chime with a text from Abby.

"Abort. Tim is here. He surprised me. Rain check?"

Tony let out a sigh before he texted her back. "See you at work."

She responded with a smiley face and Tony tossed his phone into the passenger seat before driving to Gibbs' house.


A week later, Tony sat at his desk in the bullpen, eating a nutrition bar as Kate carried a pretty big piece of evidence into the office. Not quite his usual choice for a meal, however that morning, Kate commented on his eating habits as he chowed down on a donut for breakfast. At first, Tony didn't think anything of it as he never really paid attention to his weight and he thought he always looked good. But after a few more comments from his colleague, he tightened his belt to try and hide a bit of his gut before they headed down to a new crime scene.

"It's okay. I've got it, Tony. Don't you worry. Wouldn't wanna disturb your lunch." Kate said sarcastically as she made it to her desk with the victim's computer tower with no help at all from him.

"You got me thinking, Kate." Tony said as he stood from his desk to walk over to her, ignoring the fact that she was annoyed with him for not helping her. "Maybe I should improve my diet."

Kate looked at the bar in his hand. "When are you gonna start?"

"What do you call this?" He asked with a smirk, waving the bar in the air.

"Uh....bad things masquerading as something good for you." She told him.

"It's a nutrition bar." He responded with a chuckle. "It says so on the label."

He then proceeded to receive a lecture from Agent Todd on what actually goes into one of those things and he was left, once again, feeling uneducated and unaccomplished.

"What are you saying?" He asked her when she finished reading the ingredients to him and revealing to him that what he was eating was 98% artificial flavor and just pure sugar.

"So I hear Egan's computer is waiting to get up close and personal with me." Abby interrupted their conversation as she entered the bull pen and went straight to Kate's desk to check out the computer tower that sat on top of it.

"Be gentle. I'm sure Tony will be more than happy to lug this downstairs for you." Kate said with a smug grin. "He's feeling healthy today." She smiled at him.

Tony sent the same smile back to Kate before going around behind Abby to lift up the computer tower. He gently pressed his chest against the dark-haired woman's back and spoke almost directly into her ear. "No problem."

Abby smiled, turning her head to the side a bit so he could see her smile as she purposefully brushed her ass against him behind her. "Thanks, Tony."

After some more talk about the victim and the nature of the phone call that alerted the authorities about the stabbing of the victim, Tony and Abby finally made their way downstairs to her lab with the computer.

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