Too Sober To Dance

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Slight Trigger Warning: Creepy Man Touches Women W/O Consent (Not Too Bad)

Once inside, Tony felt the irony of being inside the loud club with Abby now after having complained earlier that day about the loud music in her lab. He took her hand, leading her to a good seat at the bar. "What do you want to drink?" He asked his colleague as she sat down.

"Something strong. I'll have anything." She answered just as the bartender came over to help them.

About half an hour had passed and the both of them had finally loosened up after a drink or two.

"Would you like another?" The bartender asked them both once their second glasses were halfway empty.

"No, thanks. I'm good." Abby said to him.

"I think we're cool." Tony told him, knowing that if he were to drink anymore, he wouldn't be able to drive Abby down the block to her apartment, nor would he be able to STOP drinking.

"Wanna dance?" Abby bravely asked Tony.

"I'm too sober to dance, Abs." He chuckled.

"Oh, come on. Just one song and then we can go. Please? I promise." She stood up, holding his right hand with both of hers as she tried to pull him off of his bar stool.

"Okay, okayyyy." He chuckled, standing up as Abby dragged him to the dance floor. "Don't say I didn't warn ya." He said as he started to sway to the catchy song a bit.

"Come on, Dinozzo. That's not dancing." Abby laughed, taking both of his hands and bouncing a bit while she guided him and his dance moves to match hers.

After a while, they both really got into it, enjoying the beat of the song and having a good time, even with others around them. Abby began to dance with a few girls, all jumping around to the music as some guy tried to inch his way closer to them.

Tony was just having a good time surrounded by all the beautiful women on the dance floor when he noticed the creepy guy trying to touch the girls that Abby was dancing with. It seemed lighthearted at first, but soon, one of the girls began to look very uncomfortable as the man got eerily close to her and she tried to back off but couldn't because of the tight crowd surrounding her.

"Hey! Hey, that's enough!" Tony shouted over the music to the guy as he stopped dancing and his smile vanished.

The guy ignored him...instead, turning his attention to Abby and he placed a hand on her lower back, just above her buttocks. "Hey!" Abby pushed the guy off of her just as Tony stepped in between her and the man, pulling open his tan jacket to show the guy that he had a gun. "Oh my god, Tony!" Abby said when he did that, pulling him away. "Let's go....Tony, come on!" She pulled him harder. "Let's just leave, Tony. It's fine."

Tony continued to glare at the man as he took a step back while Abby tugged at his arm more and he let his jacket close, turning to leave the dancefloor with Abs.

The guy started to drunkenly laugh. "Yeah, run along you little bitch. Let your girl take care of your battles for ya."

Tony stopped following Abby, freezing in his tracks as he wryly laughed to himself, clenching his fingers into a fist, but before he could do anything...Abby walked back to the man, stomping on his foot with her platform heels thus receiving the girliest shriek from the creep's lips. Tony had turned just in time to see the guy keel over, grabbing his foot in agony as one of the other girls he had been harassing stood behind him and kicked him between the legs with her stiletto heel. Abby took Tony's hand again and pulled him out of the club.

"Holy shit, did that actually just happen?" Tony said once they were outside on the sidewalk. "I'm not gonna lie, that was so hot, Abs." He laughed.

"Men!" Abby sneered, unable to shake the feeling of that man touching her back and she shuddered.

Tony looked at her, his face immediately softening and his smile going away as he stepped closer to her. "Are you alright?" He asked seriously.

"Yeah, let's just...get out of here." She said, walking passed him and heading for his car.

Tony sighed, half wanting to go inside to arrest that guy even though he had no jurisdiction, and half wanting to rewind what he said to Abby as they exited the club. Knowing he could do neither, he huffed and followed Abs to the car, only feeling satisfied once he heard two bouncers throw the creepy man out of the club behind him and he looked back to make sure he wasn't hearing things.

They reached Tony's car and got in, putting their seatbelts on even though her apartment wasn't too far away from there.

"Hey, if it makes you feel better...I just saw them throw the guy outta the club behind us." Tony told Abby, hoping it could help her pout go away, but it did not. He sighed again and turned the car on before driving toward her place.

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