Snake Charmer

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Abby's teasing did not stop there. Tony recalled her dirty jokes and flirtatious dialogue from before that night, but now that he knew how she really was in bed, he couldn't help but picture her "jokes" about habits in the bedroom as being fully true about her.

Their next case, one where a lost, amnesiac was found wandering the forest in the middle of winter after having been buried alive, only metastasized poor Tony's vivid daydreams of Abby when they found a missing key in the woods as well. Trying to figure out what the key unlocked, Abby jokingly suggested that the key might go to a Chastity belt.

"So I suppose you want me to find out which Chastity belt this opens." She asked Gibbs who just looked at her with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Do I look like Dinozzo to you?" He asked her.

"Not funny, Boss." Tony began. "Besides...I can open a Chastity belt." He responded to Gibbs though he kept his eyes on Abby while he said it, waiting for a reaction from her.

"You should see mine. Mine's awesome. It's 18th century French." Abby replied as if to compete with Tony on the subject.

He was impressed with himself at his ability to keep his mouth closed while she said that, his mind immediately trying to picture her wearing one and all of the ways he would try to remove it. "You have a Chastity belt?" He asked her, tilting his head in a way as if to try and get the woman to look at him and when she did, their locked eyes made him feel a wave of heat travel through every vein, threatening to move down between his legs, but Gibbs' voice thankfully, stopped that feeling immediately.

"So much more information than I needed to know about Abby." Gibbs interrupted their moment with a tone of annoyance.

Tony instantly remembered Rule 12 and that talking about Abby this way in front of Gibbs, his favorite, his work-daughter, was a terrible-terrible idea. But Tony really wanted to see her in a Chastity belt now. His eyes moving up and down her body as he tried to picture it, ignoring the other two's voices for a moment as they kept talking about work and Tony wished he was somewhere else. With her.

Soon Kate entered the lab with news about the woman whose memory had still not returned and Tony was finally snapped out of his thoughts. He started to ask himself if Abby were playing some sick game with him. Like a snake charmer enjoying the sight of the snake squirm whenever they wanted it to.

He left the lab with Kate and Gibbs, boarding the elevator as Kate squinted her eyes at the man beside her. "Tony, you okay?" She asked him. "You were pretty quiet in there. That's not like you."

"Just thinking." He told her.

"About what? Agent Cassidy?" She half-joked, knowing that they'd only had one dinner date since they all returned from Guantanamo Bay, but she never heard anything about her since.

"No. That didn't work out." Tony admitted. "Once her old boyfriend found out she was back in the states, that was it for us."

"Oh." Kate nodded, looking ahead at the elevator doors again.

"Besides...I can't be tied down." Tony said as the doors opened and Gibbs exited the elevator first, followed by Tony who walked over to his desk to grab his gear, Kate following.

Later that night, Kate allowed the Jane Doe they were trying to help to stay at her place and Tony made note of that, considering Kate hardly knew this woman and she always turned Tony down for a sleep over.

The next morning, Gibbs and Dinozzo walked into Abby's lab for some more information on the key they had found.

"Hey, guys." Abby smiled at both men from the tall chair at her lab computer. "What'd I miss?"

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