A Week Later

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A week had passed and Abby had continued to act like nothing happened between her and Tony. They only spoke about work or even Kate when Abby's curiosity kicked in again. It began to drive Tony nuts. Her ability to act like a guy about this both impressed and irritated him. Especially since Abby and McGee continued to see each other when Tony swore they wouldn't last passed a few lunch dates. He hated being wrong. And he hated not knowing exactly how Abby felt about THEIR one night stand. He just didn't wanna be alone in thinking that it was one of the best nights he's ever spent with a woman with no strings attached. And that's including the night he spent with two twenty one year old dancers.

"Almost killed a pair of bikers." Kate said after reading the profile of one of their next victims to Tony and Gibbs.

Tony had been daydreaming through most of what she had said, missing most of it even though he was standing behind her chair at her desk and reading over her shoulder. "Vroom vroom bikers or pedal bikers?" He asked her once he started to pay attention again.

"I said bikers, Tony. Not cyclists." Kate squinted at him, wondering how this man could be so good at his job, yet such an idiot most of the time.

"Bikers is a term that refers to both cyclists and-"

"Next of kin?" Gibbs interrupted Tony before another irrelevant argument could stew between his agents.

"None in the states. No U.S. address either and apparently he rotated from a Naval station in Bahrain to Gitmo five months ago." Kate continued to read on.

"Where'd he get those emeralds?" Gibbs wondered aloud.

"Gitmo Exchange?" Tony joked, hoping that one of these days, he could at least make Gibbs crack a smile at one of his jokes. No luck this time as Gibbs just rolled his eyes at him. "Sorry."

The boss grabbed his coffee cup and started to walk out of the bullpen. "Get your gear. We're going to Gitmo."

Tony softly laughed. "That's a good one, Boss." He pointed at Gibbs while he headed for the elevator and looked down at Kate who was already happily packing up her stuff from her desk. "He was kidding, right?" Tony asked her.

She smiled up at him. "I don't think so." She stood, strapping her gun and badge to her belt and grabbing her wallet and keys.

"We're going to Cuba!" Tony said excitedly as he headed over to his desk across from Kate's to grab his things too. He looked up to see Kate watching him in amusement. "What? Aren't you excited?"

"We're going for WORK, Tony. Not pleasure." She replied.

"I know, but come on! Sunny beaches for work? You gotta admit, that's kinda hot." He chuckled at himself. "Pun intended."

Kate rolled her eyes again with a shake of her head and she stepped around her desk to head toward the elevator.

"Wait, aren't you gonna-" Before Tony could finish his question, she was gone. "...-book our flight?" He sighed and sat down at his computer chair before going online to get the first flight out to Cuba booked for the three of them.

Once that was done, he grabbed a file of paperwork he needed to take to Abby yesterday and headed for her elevator. Before he stepped off, Gibbs tried to board the elevator at the same time and Tony quickly grabbed Gibbs' coffee before it could fall to the floor. "Oh! Sorry." Tony said as he let Gibbs take his coffee back.

"You better have a good reason for spilling my coffee." The older agent told him with a sigh of irritation.

"I do." Tony said as he tried to wipe the small spill off of Gibbs' tie before his hand was slapped away. "I, uh...booked us the first AMC flight to Gitmo tomorrow." Tony told him, hoping Gibbs would be less irritated if he knew that Tony did something productive in a short amount of time.

"Unbook it." Gibbs said, stepping further onto the elevator.

Tony laughed. "I knew it. I told Kate you were pulling my leg." He smiled at the fact that Gibbs made a joke.

"The Navy's giving us a priority ride today." Gibbs quickly shot down his excitement.

"You mean it?" He asked as Gibbs looked at him seriously. "You DO mean it." The elevator doors almost shut on Dinozzo standing there and he moved off the elevator. "Gotta get this paperwork to Abs then I'll be right up, Boss."

Gibbs sipped his coffee and pressed the button for the elevator doors to close again, this time not on Tony, and he headed back up to the bullpen.

Tony smirked to himself before pulling his fist down in victory. "Yes!"

"Yes what?" Abby asked from inside her lab as she went through the items found in the victim's rental car.

Tony turned around to head into the lab with his file. "Gibbs, Kate, and I are going to Cuba." He said in a bragging tone.

"Nice. How long you staying?" The woman in pigtails asked.

"Don't know. Probably long enough to figure out why our victim was smuggling emeralds in through his stomach." Tony said, handing Abby his baby blue file of paperwork.

"Well...if you stay in a hotel...maybe you can finally make a move on Kate." She suggested.

"What's your obsession with me and Kate?" Tony asked her. "You're more invested in us than you are in yourself and McGee....How's that going by the way?"

"It's good." Abby smirked. "Why do you wanna know?"

"Just making conversation. So...it's going good, huh? Have you slept with him?"

"Tony Dinozzo." Abby turned her body to fully face him with a hand on her hip and a smirk on her lip. "That is none of your business."

"Hey, I'm just wondering if the poor guy can handle you, that's all. Cause if not...then it proves my first theory was correct in him not being right for you and you got all pissy with me for no reason, when in fact, I was helping both of you out." Tony justified his curiosity.

"Mhm." Abby playfully squinted her eyes at him. "I think you're jealous."

"Me? Jealous? Why would I be jealous?" He asked her.

"I think you can't stop thinking about that night." She told him straight up and turned to face the evidence again, continuing to look through the victim's belongings. "If you wanted to do it again, all you had to do was say so before it was too late."

"Too late?" Tony watched her sift through the stuff on her table.

"Mhm. Tim and I are getting serious now." She told him, using a magnifying glass to look at an old, crinkled up receipt.

"Oh, nice. Good for him." Tony nodded. "And you. I guess."

"You better go before Gibbs leaves without you." Abby told him. "And you miss your chance at having an exotic trip with Kate." She turned to smirk at him.

"Ha. Ha." Tony glared at her before heading for the elevator again.

Abby watched him go and inched her neck out to shout to him. "Text me how it goes!"

Tony got onto the elevator, mocking Abby's exclamation in a funny voice.

"I heard that!" She yelled back to him before she heard the elevator doors close again and she laughed to herself with a bit of an eye roll. 

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