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"Has, uh, has Push reached out yet?" Aubrey asked later on as she, him, and Romeo lied alone in her hospital bed

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"Has, uh, has Push reached out yet?" Aubrey asked later on as she, him, and Romeo lied alone in her hospital bed. It was late, and most of the family had gone back to the Kris's house per Katherine's request.

She just wanted to be alone with her son and the person she considered a part of her family. He had flown several hours to see her after all.

"Of course he hasn't." Kate kept her eyes on Romeo, twirling his soft curls in her hand. "I wasn't expecting him to. He's moved on apparently..."

"But for him to leave his child—Leave you? Doesn't that sound like some kind of medieval shit?"

"Yeah, it's fucked up. I know." Kate curled up more into his arm and smiled sheepishly at her baby. "You didn't hear that." She whispered towards Rome chuckling as Aubrey smiled lightly down at her. "But seriously. You've been more involved than he has. Why would I want someone like that in my life anyways?" She scoffed. "I'm surprised you haven't left yet. Based on how people talk about you maybe being the baby daddy."

"I would never leave you." He squinted. "You, 'Don, and of course, now Rome, are my whole world. I got you guys, Adonis, 40, Chubbs, Niko... What more could I need? You get me?"

"Yeah." She got teary-eyed. "Yeah, I do. I'm appealing for full custody."

"As you should." He nodded.

"And besides..." He gave a teasing smile as they leaned back in the bed further. "What would be so bad about it?" he referred to Rome being his son. She couldn't tell if the rapper was serious or not, however she gave a bright smile nonetheless, as her cheeks became enflamed and she snuggled into his chest. "You goofy, bro."

Meanwhile, the whole family was trying to pick apart her and Aubrey's relationship in front of the camera crew at the interview studio—never mentioning his name, of course. Kate would kill them before she could even explain her friendship...relationship. Whatever it was now.

"I feel like we just dance around the subject." Kourtney laughed. "Like, they first officially met when?"

"When he and Justin made that song, 'Right Here.'" Khloe ate some of her salad. "She was like, fifteen at the time."

"And then there was your guys' birthday party." Khloe chuckled. "Didn't take much to convince him to come after he heard it was for her."

"Wasn't he with Rihanna at the time?" They censored her name for the show. However, there was no guarantee that this scene would even make it to air.

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