
There are crows circling the citadel. A plan has been put in place to hurt the dragons and our family once more. The Greens are working on a betrothal for my siblings, plans have been made to get the king's approval to have them married to houses loyal to the Greens where they and their dragons can be controlled. There is a plan to marry Uncle Aemond to someone loyal to the queen. Look into house Stokeworth, I believe you will find some interesting things about my mother's lady. In a fortnight a man will seek you out, he has been sent by me and will help you in the trials to come. I will write again soon.

All my love,


How had his daughter found out about the Green's plans? She was not even in the country. Daemon knew he had to destroy the letter. Others could not be allowed to find it. His daughter was referring to Maia Stokeworth. Daemon had found it strange the girl had not married yet. She was twenty-five. Lord Stokeworth had been very interested in Maia being Rhaenyra's lady-in-waiting. He had believed it would help the girl find a rich Lord for a husband, but almost immediately the lord had stopped pressuring his daughter to marry. Rhaenyra had introduced the woman to several Lords but she refused any attachment. She seemed happy to remain unmarried.
Rhaenyra entered the chambers and Daemon handed her the letter without saying anything. Rhaenyra read the letter and without looking at him threw it in the fire.
"I knew something like this would happen." Rhaenyra chuckled to herself and then looked at him. "I just did not realize they would try and use my children."
"What does Deirys mean by house Stokeworth?" Maia had been Rhaenyra's lady in waiting for years, she was not as close to her as the other three, but Daemon had never seen her do anything inappropriate. "I thought Lord Stokeworth supported you, especially after you took in his daughter."
"He did, for a few weeks, but things changed once Maia arrived in Kings Landing." Rhaenyra served herself some wine, then handed him a cup. "Maia started listening to the queen and well she has been working with her almost since the day she arrived."
"What?" Why in the hells did he not know about this? "Why was I not told? That woman has been alone with our children. Do you know what could have happened?"
"She has never been truly alone." Rhaenyra gave him a dubious smile. "I've had someone trailing her since she arrived. I just thought it best to keep her in my service so I could find out what her plans were. And I did not tell you because you worry too much, my love. You would have acted suspicious around her and I could not lose my edge."
"Why is she consorting with the queen?"
"Because Maia fancies herself in love with Aemond." Daemon's eyes widened, how had he missed this? Rhaenyra laughed at his surprised look. "We noticed it since the first time she met Aemond, the way she acted around him. Alicent noticed too and she took advantage of that. Why do you think Deirys never liked the woman? She refused to go anywhere with her and would not leave Aemond alone with her."
"Do not remind me. I do not know what our daughter sees in that little twat."
"Well, most of the time she sees a part of you." Daemon narrowed his eyes, which did nothing to deter his wife. "You have always been Deirys protector, her knight, and her biggest supporter. And let us be honest, you and Aemond share a lot of the same qualities, including your impulsive character."
"That little shit is nothing like me."
"Really?" Rhaenyra raised an eyebrow. "Is that why you reacted the way you did when Aemond gifted her that dagger?"
"I cannot believe the little shit said that to her." Daemon could see Rhaenyra smirking and almost pouted, he could not believe his own wife was against him on this. "What was he thinking?"
"I would say he was thinking the same thing you were when you said those words to me over fifteen years ago." This time she did laugh. "I would say like mother like daughter."
"That is not amusing."
"It is to me." Rhaenyra walked to him and planted a sweet kiss on his mouth, almost making him forget what they were talking about. "Why are you so against Aemond and Deirys loving each other?"
"It has nothing to do with Aemond." He sighed. "Is any man that put his eyes on my daughters. There have been many that have attempted to court her, but she does not care about any of them."
"Except for Aemond."
"Yes, she looks at him the same way you still look at me. I just think she has not realized what those feelings mean yet."
"If it makes you feel better, I do not think Aemond realizes what his feelings are either." She kissed him once more and patted his face. "Just think that if they marry, you will gain another son."
"Or I can just kill him."
"Daemon!" Even though her voice sounded angry, she had a smile on her face. "You cannot kill my brother."
"Why not? I can make it quick if it makes you feel better."
"No, no killing him. Quickly or otherwise."
"You never let me have any fun."
He pouted and she laughed. He loved making her smile. His sweet niece, she was everything he had ever wanted in life.

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