"Do you wish to stop this?" Deirys spun around. Shrykos was standing by the balcony doors, her face looked curious. "This is the future that awaits them. If you die this will be their destiny and there will be nothing we can do about it."

"What is this?"

"We told you. You were a gift sent to your parents, meant to stop a dark future from taking place." Shrykos gestured at the scene around them. "This is what we meant."

"Why are you showing me this?" Her hands were still covered in blood. She wiped them on her dress, but it did not matter, the blood would not go away. Deirys shook her head. "Why now?"

"Your childhood ends now. Your happy life, your loving parents. It all comes to an end this night." Deirys shook her head. What did that mean? Was her family going to die? The goddess's look held no sympathy. "A price was just put on your head. Your family's enemies are moving their pieces. The faceless men were paid handsomely to take your life."

"And what is it you want me to do?" She walked closer to Shrykos. She would do whatever it took to protect her family. "I know there is a reason you are telling me this."

"You will travel to Braavos, to the house of black and white." Deirys eyes widened. Shrykos had just said the faceless men were after her and now she wanted her to go to them? "Do not worry princess, I am not sending you to your death. There are still many things you need to learn, but they cannot be learned here. You need to do this on your own, without your family."

"Why without my family? Is this not for their safety, the survival of my house?"

"Yes, but the things you need to learn will be harder if you always have someone helping you to stand every time you faltered. We have gifted you to be able to overcome all the obstacles. But, until you take this journey alone, none of it will save you."

"How long will I have to leave for?"

"Do not worry princess, once you are gone your path will become clear." Shrykos walked closer to her, the look on her face was also fearful. "Is not just your family that depends on you. If you do not succeed once the Long Night comes humanity will be doomed."

"What?" In the next moment, Shrykos was gone. Visenya looked around her. "What do you mean?"

The goddess did not answer her. The blood on her hands dripped faster, pooling until the entire ground was covered in it. The blood got deeper, it almost reached her knees. Deirys felt like she drowning. She noticed all the bodies were gone, the great hall was empty. Deirys turned and saw everyone that had been dead standing in front of her. Her father reached for her, but this was no loving embrace and this thing was not her father. His eyes were ice blue, his skin had a bluish tint to it. His body was skeletal, almost falling apart, rotting. He opened his mouth and his teeth were rotted, some of them missing. All the people behind him were the same. He reached for her once more and Deirys screamed.

"Deirys? Deirys?" Strong warm arms wrapped around her. She could hear the person reassuring her that everything was ok, but all she could see was her dead family. "Little treasure? Tell me what is the matter. I need to call the healer to check on you."

"No, No, No." She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed their bodies together, as close as she could get. She wanted to melt into him, to make everything else disappear. Tears ran down her face. "Please do not leave me. Please, Kepus."

Aemond tighten his arms around her and just held her for a moment. She could not forget the image of him dead. All of them, gone from this world, her hands filled with their blood. She had never had this happen before. She always had dreams, for as long as she could remember. But this had not been a dream, she had been wide awake. She did not even know how she had gotten to her bed. The doors to her chambers slammed open, and her father and mother ran in, looking at her with wide eyes. They both had dark circles under their eyes. She had never seen them look so exhausted. Her mother let out a sob and ran to the bed, Aemond moved out of the way just in time for her mother to wrap her in a bone-crushing hug.

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