Chapter 28

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Yeosang was glad Jihyun had finally fallen asleep. She had been crying and fussy ever since Mari treated Wooyoung and he could only feel bad for the poor girl. His screams must've scared her.

"Are you ok?" Jongho held his hand. He could smell and feel the omega was a bit stressed. Yeosang nodded not wanting to worry the alpha. He felt fine but was concerned for the child in his arms.

"It's been a long day. She must be tired," Jongho pat her hair. Yeosang smiled at the way he smiled at her. It warmed his heart.

"Me too," he breathed and laid against his shoulder.

"Wanna nap? It's still about an hour until we get home."

"No I'm ok."

"..Do you think Wooyoung is ok? I'm worried."

"There's a doctor on his crew. You know the one with short brown orange hair? She has the ability to see through people so she's fast. I'm sure he'll be fine," Jongho explained.

"Oh that's her?"

"Yea. And the short blond looking one is Ian. He can turn invisible," he continued knowing Yeosang was interested.

"Really? That's awesome."

Jongho continued to tell the omega what he knew about the crew the whole way home.

Jeonghan sprinted quietly, his steps silent even in the wet grass. The young boy had curled his body around him, his chin laid on the omegas shoulder.

"Keep straight," he whispered and Jeonghan didn't hesitate to heed his instructions.

After a few minutes, the beta they were chasing slowly came into view; Hye sun hung over his shoulder. He ran closer to catch up but stopped and hid when the man turned around.

It had been a while since he's done something so risky. It made his heart beat rapidly and guilt was quick to eat the excitement away.

"Hyung are you ok?" The boy asked hearing the sound loud and clear.

"Perfect," he smiled at him. He was still excited.

The only issue was the plan. He had already decided to follow the culprit so the baits life wouldn't be taken in vain but seeing Hye sun was still alive, he wasn't sure if he should just save her, or wait until he reached his base and hopefully help more.

The second choice was risky and if this was the beta his mate had mentioned, then it would be wiser to go with the first as it wasn't only his life on the line but the boy attached to him as well.


"I do that well."

The omega chuckled.

"Should anything happen to me, I need you to promise you will run. No matter what. The faster you call help the better it will be for me."

The boy looked skeptical and held him tighter.

"Jiyoung. Promise!"

"Ok.." he mumbled.

"Thank you."

He peeked out and continued running until the beta told him to take a left. When he heard him hiss in pain and squeeze him, he paused.

"Young? What's wrong?"

"They're hurt."


"I don't know I can hear them."


The boy pointed ahead but there was nothing except cut down trees and empty space.

"Can you tell how many?"

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