Chapter 17

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Tae Oh looked around quite alarmed. It was strange. Ha Yeon had been sitting right beside him, her eyes glowing as she was discussing what he had asked her to when she suddenly disappeared. He partially wondered if he was really getting old.

There was a knock on the door followed by a smiling alpha with a tray of fruits. She took in her mates muddled expression and placed the tray on the table.

"What's wrong?...where's Ha Yeon?" She looked around. The beta was in here a few minutes ago when she popped her head in to check on them.

'...she disappeared...' he signed slowly still confused himself.
"Disappeared?! How?"
'I..I don't know. She was just here...'
"I know! So where'd she go?"

Tae oh looked up at her and shrugged having absolutely no idea.

'Jasmine..?' He took a wild guess.
"You didn't see her?"
He shook his head.
"Hmm that's weird.."

She sat down in the chair Ha Yeon once sat and brought the tray closer.

"What were you two doing anyway?"

'There's been talk about bandits attacking our borders. Ha Yeon said that Hansung told her the Jung kingdom doesn't get attacked as often anymore because the King formed an alliance with pirates. ..the council doesn't like the idea.. but they're good people. We know that.. I'm sure the kingsmen didn't agree with the King either but they're doing fine...' he rambled a bit. Hyun ah smiled and fed him some fruit.

"You need to stop comparing your kingdoms. If that's what you think we need, then do it. Don't doubt yourself."

Tae oh shyly smiled and held her hand.

'What do you think we should do?'

'I know you're interested in this stuff.'
"But it's not my right.."
'You're my mate. You have every right. And I like the idea of you knowing you had a say in some of the decision making.'

The alpha smiled.

"I don't think we need it. We have a large unemployed army at our hands. Give them work," her lips curved up awkwardly.

"And we can even send some to our neighbors if they need any and retrieve royalties in return."

Tae oh smiled at her and pulled her closer for a kiss.

'You looked sexy there for a second,' he smirked and she rolled her eyes and pushed him away.

"You're so cocky," she put a strawberry in her mouth ignoring whatever he was signing to her amidst his giggles.

'You love it,' he signed against her neck and when she attempted to push him away, he held her hands and pulled her in for another kiss.

"Looks like I'm getting my nephew sooner than expected," Ha Yeon jolted them out of their coupling.

'Can't you knock?!' The King signed still shocked.
"In mid air? Besides I was here first."

Hyun Ah composed herself and set the tray of fruits on a table.

"Niece you mean?"
"NO!" She quickly shut her down.
"Our first child will definitely be a girl."
"How do you know?"
"Can just feel it. Besides, boys are so hard to raise," she shook her head distastefully and made her way out.

The conversation brought back some of Tae Oh's buried and hidden away thoughts. He had completely forgotten about it after the war since he didn't think he'd settle down or mate with someone but now the thoughts were back and he was sure they were going to cloud his mind again. He needed to talk to his mate about it. Soon.

Soulmates. The trilogy IIIOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz