Chapter 39: Fight or Flight

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I have experienced fear in my life. Leon's dad was responsible for that. But this was a whole other level of fear. I live by the law. I once ate a 1p sweet without paying and it haunted me for weeks thinking the people who monitor the CCTV would track me down and imprison me. But as I was escorted through an old building surrounded by stern looking police officers with my hands bound by handcuffs, I felt as if my life was over.

I couldn't understand a word the people around me were saying. I only knew a couple of words, but they were talking to me as if I understood French.

I want Alec and Leon.

Being pushed up against a reception desk, I looked around frantically for a friendly face. This must be a misunderstanding.

"Please, I'm innocent" I begged hoping someone would show me some sympathy.

But there was not a woman in sight, they were all tough looking men laughing at my fear.

Looking round in a panic, I tried walking away in hopes of finding some safety in a female officer.

But a male officer grabbed me and pushed me up against the counter.

"S'il te plait, Sir" I begged as one man started giving me a pat down.

"No" I cried as he placed his hands up my body whilst laughing with his male colleagues.

I let out a sigh of relief as the man halted his frisk search, but to my horror he started shouting and gesturing for me to take off Alec's leather jacket.

"N-No" I begged as they started pulling at it in an attempt to get it off my body.

"It's all I have, please" I sobbed as they continued to pull at the one thing that gave me comfort.

To my relief the officer stopped pulling Alec's jacket and instead stared at me whilst another spoke to him.

I couldn't hear a word, nor did I understand it, so I simply waited hoping I'd be able to go.

"Boss man wants you" the officer smirked and went to grab me.

A cold sweat washed over me as I realised what that probably meant. Was I going to be forced to sleep with the person in charge of this place. No way in hell.

"You're sneaky and clever as hell. Use that to your advantage".

Resting on Alec's words he used when telling me how to defend myself after seeing I couldn't physically fight.

"O-Okay, but I need to pee" I batted my eyelids softly now knowing he understood English.

The man rolled his eyes and grabbed me by my arm before walking me down a corridor.

"Here" he pointed as he shoved me in and followed after me.

"Um, can you go?" I asked innocently.

The man rolled his eyes in response before leaving me alone in the small cubicle.

"Think Arabella, think" I whispered quietly as I looked around for anything to help me in my situation.

"You're small and fast".

It was as if Alec was in my head giving me advice on what to do.

Looking over to the sink, I frowned at a half empty bottle of red nail varnish.

"Thank goodness for all the years I spent experimenting with my joints" I giggled as I lifted my arms up and moved my joints so the handcuffs were in front of me instead of behind my back.

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