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'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'

RAYANNE WAS POSITIONED IN THE CHOIR room for Glee Club next to Santana like she always was. The girls were both admiring their nails, Santana's being nicely manicured while Rayanne's were stubby. Bitten off.  The brunette grimaced at this, taking the girl's hands in her own, telling her she needed a "professional." Whatever that meant.

Through the choir room door came in Mr. Schue. He had someone following close behind. As the two situated in the center of the room, everyone turned to face them. Conversations seized until they had received the news that was expected.

"New Directions," Mr. Schue started. "I would like to introduce you to our new show choir consultant: Jesse St. James."

It was as if an alarm went off in Rayanne's brain. Now her gaze turned into a more skeptical one. He was the one who threw eggs at Rachel. He was the one who got kicked out of Junior Prom. Jesse St. James was the one who never knew her fucking name.

The room was silent. The only form of noise being made emitted from Rachel, and her rapid clapping. And then one phrase cut the silence like that: "I don't trust this guy."

"He's gonna trick us into doing something stupid so his alma mater wins," Finn stated.

"I don't need to do much tricking to get you to do something stupid, Finn." Jesse had a sick smirk on his face. He always said everything in a casual voice. He could be raising the dead and still be calm and sultry.

"Guys, Jesse is just a consultant. I still make all the calls," Mr. Schuester explained. "I have all the confidence in the world in you guys. I just think we could use all the help we can get because," he pointed to the whiteboard which had the word 'nationals' written on it. "This is it."

He went on a pep-talk trying to convince the group that they needed Jesse's help. If he had to do so much convincing, it probably wasn't a great idea. Mr. Schue decided to continue with the trend of performing original songs for the competition. One group number and one duet.

"Rachel and I should sing a duet," Finn sounded. "We killed it last year at regionals with 'Faithfully.'"

"Yeah. It killed us. We lost." Rayanne couldn't help but agree with Quinn. She may have not been there last year, but if you let the same people perform the same duet, it gets repetitive and boring, and the judges would be looking for something more.

"May I?" Jesse stepped up in front, taking the place of where Mr. Schue once stood. "I agree that Rachel should sing lead, but, Finn, I think it's best if you sit this one out." He continued to reason that most of the other guys in the group were better singers, insulting Finn in the process.

"You see what I'm talking about? This guy's a jerk!"

"Maybe you could be a little gentler with your advice." Mr. Schue crossed his arms.

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