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'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'

EVER SINCE THE HALFTIME SHOW, QUINN HAD STOPPED talking to Rayanne. She had no idea why, but she didn't try and dig up why she had been ignoring her. She may have needed a mental break.

Sam was also having trouble with Quinn, he said he felt like he was losing her. He told Rayanne about it, to which she had confirmed that she was also clueless about what was going on.

Rayanne was also starting to lose all hope in her relationship with Santana. Even though she said she was fine, she couldn't help but feel horrible.

The girl was stood at her locker, looking through her bag, trying to find certain papers for her next period. She had never had an organized life, let alone an organized bag. She felt a presence beside her, she looked up to be met with a god-awful haircut, "Oh my god."

"Alright, hear me out." Sam started.

"Nuh-uh," she shook her head, slightly laughing, "You're kidding, right?"

"I'm the new one-man band. The Justin Bieber experience. My dad says there's two ways to get a woman to love you: Take her hunting and rock & roll." He smiled.

"I hate to break it to you, but you look like a dork." She had a sincere look on her face. "If you really wanna win her heart back, take her out on a cute date. Be a gentleman. Not every girl can be impressed forever."

"How do you know so much about girls?"

"Because I am one..?"

"No but, like," He paused for a moment, "Like the lovey part of girls."

"Again," She sighed, "I am a girl. And most girls have a type. Sure, they list all the physical features, but they all have the basics of wanting a sweet and kind person to love. Someone that'll love them back."

He nodded, seeming like he understood. He probably didn't. Rayanne changed the subject. "And what makes you think that hunting and rock & roll will make a girl fall endlessly in love with you?"

"Like I said," He answered, "My dad."

'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'

"THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING." All the Glee kids were situated in their seats of the choir room, all shocked to see Coach Sylvester in one of the seats.

Mr Schue had the brilliant idea to include Sue in the Glee Club to bring her up from her epic decline after losing nationals with the Cheerios. "This seems like a terrible idea."

"Guys, it's not up for discussion. Okay?" Mr. Schue halted the argument. "Now, it's no secret that Coach Sylvester has taken her licks."

"I mean, just wanky."

SUNEATER ༊*·˚ s. lopezWhere stories live. Discover now