Chapter 9

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Chap 9

***Damons POV***

When I woke up it was 12 o'clock.  Wow we slept late.  I yawned and looked out at the window.  It was really bright out but I could tell it was going to rain.  Selena was still asleep and still in my arms.  I looked at her sleeping, so peaceful.  I held her tighter and watched her sleep.  I never wanted to let her go.  I wish I could just tell her how I truly feel.  But she might think I'm nuts because we just met.  Ughh I dont know what to do anymore.  Being s vsmpire is so hard.  I want to be with her but...then I dont...

I gently moved a peice of her hair off of her face.  She turned her head a little to face me but still sleeping.  I smiled at her, she was like an angel.  I was going to wake her up but I wanted to let her sleep.  Considering what ever went on last night completely whipped her out.  I held her tightly in my arms and waited for her to wake up for about another hour.

***Selenas POV***

When I opened my eyes i squinted at the bright light and waited for my eyes to focus.  I still felt Damons arms tightly around me.  He was awake.  When I fully opened my eyes he looked at me and smiled his cocky smile.  He was so cute.  I wanted to get up and go see Chrissy but then I'd probably have to tell everyone what happened.  I just wanted to go back to sleep ti avoid this situation.  But..i couldnt.

"Good morning," he whispered in my ear.  I felt his breath go over my ear and my neck and I got the chills.  His touch didnt really feel like a vampire touvh anymore.  It felt warm and comforting, not cold and death like.

"Good morning," I smiled up at him and he smiled even wider than before.

I leaned over to get up and he gently let go of me unrapping his arms around me.  I got up and went to the bathroom to get changed.  I put on my jeans and a blue shirt Elena gave me.  I washed my face, fixed my hair, brushed my teeth and stuff.  I went back into Damons room and he was changed too.  He wore dark jeans and his usual black v neck button down shirt.  He was staring at me and I felt my face blush so I looked away.  I think he smiled when he saw me blush which made it even more awkward.

"So...umm," I said feeling uneasy, I didn't want to talk about this but I had to get it out.  I went over to my stuff and plooped it all on the bed to pack.

"Everything ok?" he asked as he watched me.  He leaned over so he was right in behind my bag.  He watched as I grabbed all my stuff to put them away.

When I finally started to put my things in my bag I said, "We need to talk."

I grabbed my bag and headed downsatairs.  I felt him following me and then he walked infront of me ad into the living room sitting down waiting anxiously for me on the couch inside. 

I touched the wall nonchalantly and noticed Stefan and Elena still weren't home.  Where did they go anyway?  I went over to Damon and sat next to him.  He smiled a small smile and I tried to smile back.  He looked at me with concern and worry in his eyes and he put his hand on my knee.  He could tell this was kinda hard for me to talk about.  I odnt want to sound like a cry baby or anything but I hated talking about this vampire and wicth stuff.  I might act like I'm brave and like I can do anything.  But I cant.  Truth is, is that I'm scared of all this stuff.  I love being a witch but I'm still really scared.

"About last night." I finally spit out.

I mean I had to tell him sometime.  They had a right to know I guess.  I just didn't want him to hate me or somthing because i knew he was a vampire and I never told him.  He looked at me loosing his patience.

"What happen?" He asked in a quiet voice.

"Well first of all, Chrissy and I are..." once I said this I had a feeling he would never want to talk to me again.  Witches and vampires are supposed to be enemies.  I dont know one vampire and witch who get along.  Even Chrissy told me to stay away from him.  Buty i couldnt.  Something wanted me to stay with him.  I knew that we could never be together.  That's why I had to start separating myself from him, but it was hard, i mean even though i've only known him for about 2 days I loved him.  But the more I am with him, the more I want to be with him.  I cant just be friends with him.  Its either together or not.  Finially I gathered the courage to say what I wanted to, "We are witches."

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