Chapter 28

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Chap 28

***Selenas POV***

Last night I couldnt fall asleep. I couldnt stop thinking about everything Justin said. Then when it was about 2 i cried myself to sleep, thinking about Damon.

When I woke up it was 9:10...great, school started at 8:30.

"Shoot!" I muttered to myself.

I ran into the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth, left my hair naturally curly, didnt bother putting on makeup, put on a light purple flowey tanktop, black jeans, black converse, and a white light jacket.

I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. Justin was in the kitchen and looked up at me when I came in and grabbed a slice of toast with butter.

His eyes widened, "Shoot! Selena i'm so sorry I shouldve woke you!"

I took a bite of the toast and headed to the door with it still in my hand, "Dobt wowy bout it." I said with my mouth full. I opened the door to leave.

"Want me to drive you?" he asked.

"Nah I'll run." i said quickly then left.

I ran as fast as I could. I felt like running to school because thats what I felt like I wanted to do. I wanted to just run away...from everything and everyone...and never stop running.

But in about 30 seconds I was at school. I sighed and walked in.

I went to the office and said sorry for being late. They gave me a pass and I headed to my second period...History:/
Stefan, Elena, Chrissy, Caroline, Bonnie, Tyler, and Matt were all in this class. JUST MY LUCK! Oh and it gets worse...Alarics the teacher.

I took a deep breathe and opened the door. Everyone looked up at me and I cought Elena and Stefans eyes. Elenas was filled with concern and Stefan worry. I looked at Chrissy, who obviously knew I was there, but chose to stare at her paper and bite her pen.

I looked at Alaric and handed him the paper. I said sorry as I took the seat right infront closest to the door. No one ever sat there because it was right in front of the teacher, but I chose to sit there today because everyone else was in the back and this seat was closest to the door.

I sat there and sank into my chair feeling their eyes on my back like daggers. I tried to think of somthing that had nothing to do with anything that was going on....but what else is there to think about?! "Ugh," i sighed to myself.

I took out my notebook and realized that I didnt have my global notebook...great. Instead I took out a blue marble notebook that was already filled with writing. A little kids writing. My writing, and my bestest friend Mitchel Denvers writing.

I smiled looking at the picture on the inside cover. It was us when we were five, we were holding hands and eating ice cream with big smiles on our faces. Mitchel always had a light light brown hair color that shined in the sun and green eyes.

This book was used to put pictures of us at times we had most fun. Then on the back we would write what happened that day.

I smiled again looking at a picture of us playing in mud. We would always hang out. I missed him so much, my bestfriend.... Hes also a wizard. I met him because our parents are, well were best friends. Until I moved here we never had time to call eachother.

I made a promise to myself then and there I would call him later. Then I shut the book and looked at Alaric. He was blabbering about some test we are going to have soon. Great...


When the bell rang I was the first one up and out of the class room. The rest of my classes I had with Chrissy, who was ignoring me.

At lunch I sat with this guy Nick and some of his friends and these two girls. They were all really nice. But Nick wasnt my type and I missed being with Chrissy.

After school I ran home avoiding everyone. When I got home Justin was in the shower so I went in the kitchen.

I stopped in the door way and looked around. Something didnt feel right...

I went upstairs in my room and saw Klaus standing there looking at me.

I opened my mouth to say something but stopped when he put his finger to his lips.

He came closer and leaned towards my ear whispering, "I need you to do something for me. I need you and your brother to go to that witch house and find a light yellow and green book, its really thick and should be locked. When you shake it you should feel a rock inside. Just bring it to me in 2 days."

And then he was gone.

What did he want with a rock?

Ugh great...

I grabbed my phone and dialed Mitchel, see what he was up to. It rang and rang and no one answered so I just hung up.

Then I thought of somthing I should have done when I got right home, head over to Elena and Jeremys.

I knocked on the door and Jeremy answered. When he saw me he just stared then I spoke.

"Uh hey.." this was awkward, "Is Elena home?"

"No sorry, I think shes at Stefans.."

I nodded and he shut the door but i stopped it.

"Jeremy can I come in? I need to talk to you."

He sighed but let me in. He walked into the kitchen and I followed, thinking what to say to him.

"So," he said turning to me, "What do you want to talk about?"

I took a deep breath, "About that night," i paused and he just looked at me, "ok, I know you kissed me and...I kissed you back i admit...but...that was nothing, i dont know why I did it, I was mad at...Damon and I dont know what came over me, I barely even know you...I'm sorry and I just wanted to make sure-"

I was cut off by him grabbing my face in his hands and pressing his lips against mine. I just stood there shocked, not moving...this was awkward...

I didnt kiss him back, just he was kissing me. I know he gave me chills, but not the butterflies I felt with Damon. It was nothing compared to how I feel about Damon...

He pulled away and just looked at me, my face in his hands.

"I didnt feel...anything," I whispered and he just looked at me.

Then he pulled away and walked to the other side of the kitchen leaning against the counter looking at me.

"You really love him dont you..?" he whispered only for me to hear.

I made a face, "What?"

He sighed, "Yestarday when you guys were coming back with Chrissy...I saw how he was looking at you...and you looked back the same way..." i felt my face blush and I looked away from him, "Just answer this for me, after what he did to you yestarday, you still love him?"

My head snapped at him, "How do you-"

"Elena." he said simply.

I didnt answer,

"Do you still love him after what he did to you?" he asked slowly repeating the question again.

"Yea...I do." i finally answered.

He sighed.

"Jeremy i'm sorry. When I kissed you I was just mad and I thought...why not.."

He just looked at me.

"Are we ok?"

He sighed, "I guess."

I smiled and he did too.

"Can we just..." I started but then didnt know how to word it.

"Not tell anyone?" he asked, "Yea." he said smiling.

i sighed in releif.


heyy guyss! i know this sint a lottt but atleast its somthin!!! and i'm sorry to be sayin i am not goin to be updatin till lik the end of next week, if i uppdate earlier that wuld be a miracle but i'm not sureee! i hope you alll enjoyed!!

PLease vote and comment about my story! thank u all!!! <3333

I Want To Love You - The Vampire DiariesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz