Chapter 3

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Chap 3

***Selenas POV***

When I got home that night it really wasn't pretty, it was about seven o'clock and Justin was screaming at me.  He was really annoyed, and I mean really annoyed.  What was his problem?!

When I came through the door he got up and came running towards me.  I thought he was gonna hit me or somthing, which if he did i would've hit him back.  But he didnt, instead he slammed the door behind me and that's when he started to scream and stuff at me.

"Where the hell were you?!?!" he said screaming at me.  Then he went into the kitchen and I followed.  If I didn't I think he would kill me.

"I was with a friend Justin, calm down.". I told him rolling my eyes.  He was over reacting.

"Calm down? Are you telling me to calm down after I didn't here from you when you got off the plane, or how I texted and called you and you never answered!!! Your 18 Selena!! Start acting like it!! How am I supposed to trust you! Or know what your doing and where you are if you dont pick up your stupid phone!!" He's completely lost it.

"Justin I'm sorry!! I didnt know you cared so much!". I was starting to get scared, he's never been like this to me before and I didnt know what to say to him.

"Cared? Of course I care! Selena I'm responsible for you if anything happens!". He put his hands on my arms and shook me.  I pushed him away.

"Justin I'm not a kid anymore I can take care of myself!!!  I'm 18!!"

"No you obviously can't!! You can't do anything right!  Your the reason that we are here and it's all your fault!"

"Stop acting like your my parent! And I told you a million times I didnt mean to do it! I had to!" Yea, so it's my fault that we are here.  Cause where we lived before, people saw me use magic once, and now they were very very suspicious every time they say me.  So we had to move here.  Ok, so maybe it was my fault, I didn't really care.

We were silent for a minute.  I never fought with him like this before.  He must've been annoyed at somthing, not just me.

"I am not trying to act like your parent.  But I am responsible for you like a parent would be." He said as calmly as he could.

"Well you can't replace mom and dad!"

"Selena!!" he was screaming right in my face now, he's officially lost it and I was really scared, "Mom and dad are dead!! You are never going to see them again!! They are dead!!!!"

I just stared at him in disbelief that he just said that to me,"Our whole family is dead Justin, it's only me and you left, we have nobody, we could be next Justin and we are fighting like this?!?!"  He rolled his eyes and then turned around and ignored me but I kept screaming, "It's tareing us apart! And this is what they want!! They want us to fight!!"

"Enough with your witch stuff like 'we could be next' or 'this is what they want' or 'they want us to fight', enough already!!  I gave up on that stupid stuff a long time ago!!! I don't believe it anymore and I never will!! It's stupid!"

"Well I do believe it!! It's like my life and it's the only thing I'm good at! Why don't you listen!!"

He turned around and screamed at the top of his lungs, "Stop acting like a fucking kid Selena!!" He slammed his fist against the table.  I felt tears roll down my face.

"Mom and dad believed it!! And they encouraged me to do it and to be better at it!!"

"Well they aren't here!!! They are dead dead dead!!! How many times do I have to say it?!? Your being stupid!!!!"

I just stared at him.  I didnt have to say anymore.  I just ran upstairs and into my room.  I slammed the door as hard as i could and then I locked it and fell to the floor crying. I don't know what was wrong with him, he knows how I get when we talk about our family.  And I know he doesnt believe the whole witch thing, even though he is one too, he didn't have to act like that.

I thought he would maybe come up and try to get me to open the door so we could talk it out or somthing, but I guess he really doesn't care about me anymore.

I changed my clothes, brushed my teeth, washed me face, and then laid in bed.  I was exhausted from all the confusion today.  I just laid there and stared at the ceiling.  I was trying to relax, but it wasn't working.  I wanted to scream.  I was so confused, annoyed, and scared.  I didnt know what to do anymore.  And I had no one to talk to about it.  I mean it's not like I have any close friends here or somthing, and even if I did they wouldn't understand. I mean I guess I could talk to Stefan or Damon or Elena, even though her face made me want to punch her.  I wanted to know more about them.  I think they were vampires, not Elena though, just Stefan and Damon.

Well anyway, when we first moved here I was kinda excited at first to come here, you know, meet new people and stuff.  People who dont know anything about me or what i can do orndid do.  But, no, that doesnt happen to me.  I only get involved with an angry brother, a freaky Katherine doppleganger, and vampires....greattt!


heyyy guyss(; i reallly hope you enjoy this story! sorry this chapter is kinda boring, nut i'll be updating tomorrow again!! or maybe even later! (; plllleaseee comment, vote, become a fan!! and if anyone wants me to read their stories i would be happy to (; just post the link in the comments! byeeeex3

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