Chapter 5

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Chap 5

***Selenas POV***

I was heading out of Jeremys house and then I saw Damon.  He wore jeans, black sneakers, a black v neck and a light jacket.

I smiled as he walked up to me.  He smiled back.

"What are you up to?" he asked me in his sexy deep voice.

"I was looking for Stefan.  He said that we would meet at Elenas at 7.  But Jeremy said they never came back." as I talked he wouldn't take his eyes off mine.  We locked them and then he kinda snapped put of it.

"Ohh, yea they went to uh.." he said scratching the back of his neck thinking of somthing to say, what was he hiding? "talk to a friend of ours."

"Ohh ok." I looked at my phone, it was 8:30.  I started to walk away.

"Where are you going?". He asked following me.

"I don't know, I don't really have anything to do, how bout you?" I looked up at him and he was really cute.  His hair a dark dark brown, a lot darker than mine, and it was all messy.  Hid eyes were an icy blue and they stared right back into mine. 

"Absolutely nothing.". He said with a cocky grin that was slightly higher on the right side, I smiled. "Do you wanna uhh go to the grill and get somthing to eat?"

I smiled, "Are you asking me on a date Damon Salvatore?"

Awe he was so cute!  He doesn't seem like the shy type, but he was around me.  He laughed though.

"Well I would consider this a great opportunity to spend a lovely night with a lovely man.". He smiled a huge grin, and I couldn't help but smile too.  He put his arm out and said, "Is that a yes?"

I smiled, "Well I guess I'll have to say yes to find out if your lovely or not."

I rapped my arm around his and we walked to the grill.  When I touched him I still felt the feeling I did the last time, but it was different.  I wasn't scared this time.  It's like he was a normal person.  I looked up at him and smiled and then he looked at me.

"What?" he said smiling.

I just laughed. 

"What's so funny?" he said again laughing himself.

"It's nothing."

When we walked inside we sat down across from eachother.  And then dome lady came over.  I think she was drunk.

"H-heyy Damon!" she sat down next to him and put her arm around him.  She was drunk.

"Umm hi Jenna.." he looked at me like she was nuts, "Are you drunk?"

"Nahhh, just a teeny weeny bit!!!" then she started laughing really reallly louse, "Ahh i'm completely drunk and I'm lovin every minute of it!!". Then she looked at me and I just smiled, "Ohhhh is this your girlfriend!!?! Sorry if I was interrupting a love Convo!". She got up and walked away.

We both laughed.

"Who the heck was that?" I asked him still laughing.

"Thats Jenna, Elenas aunt, she must be getting drunk because she's mad at.." hd stopped, he caught himself from saying somthing.  It's probably about Klsus or somthing.  I just stared at him seriously.

"Mad at who Damon?"

"Nevermind.  So when did you get here?"

I wanted to know what he was tslking about I didn't want to seem pushy.

"Just yestarday."

"Ohh, who are you staying with?"

"My older brother justin..". I looked down at my drink and then continued, "But he's mad at me and I don't know.  He went on some business trip for probably like a week and he just left me here."

When I liked at him it he was looking at me with care in his eyes.  He gave me butterflies.

"I'm sorry about that, I hope you work it out."

"Yea me to."

"Well if you need anything," he put his hand on mine and squeezed it and smiled, "I'm here, ok?"

I smiled back, "Thanks Damon."

We must've been in there for about 40 minutes.  We were just talking, and he made me happy.  He made me forget about everything.  We laughed, made fun of some drunk people, it was really fun being there with him.  I'm kinda glad Stefan and Rlena weren't home yet.  Or I wouldn't have spent time with just him.

But then I had to interrupt our moment.  I got a text.  It was from Chrissy.  It said, "911!! My store now!! Come as soon as possible!!"


Heyyy(; sorry this isnt as good as i thought it was gonna be nd its reallly short, but its getting better!! Keep reading, please comment, vote, become a fan and stuff!! THANK YAAAAAAx3

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