The defense who raised from his seat to object sat back dejectedly knowing there's no point of arguing anymore, They've exposed themselves. Where's Without giving chance of respite to defense she continue.

"Your honor, not only the accused here got other person to take blame on his behalf, he has malicious intent to demand custody of my client's daughter too..

A chill run down her spine, feeling burning gaze on herself she look at side only to see Abhimaan glaring at her.

"Objection your honor, even if the testimony of witness sound suspicious then to my client can't be accused as mastermind behind it..

"Of course he can be, as he's the one to gain most when other take blame on his behalf..

The Jury heard the defense and prosecutor. Then nodded while studying the evidence submitted by the defense and prosecutor. When panick stricken scream heard by everyone.

"Mr Sehgal..

Apparently Abhimaan sehgal fall on floor, the Officer in charge of him rush to inspect only to find him fainted and immediately call for medical aid. Due to present circumstances the hearing was adjourned by the jury on Defense's  request. And the case got listed for another hearing.

"Why waste time in business, he could've been great actor in industry..

At the words of Presha, Siya nodded in agreement as well, she didn't expected was how they found a person to be used a scapegoat for entire sin committed by them. And when failed the drama of being sick. Sure enough the rich can pull enough tricks to protect themselves.

"Glandpa, don'l lel me go oul.. Momma don'l play wilh me.. I'm angly..

Saying this she crossed her arms up and sat on couch with pout. But soon all heard sound of tummy grumble. Which made Riya chuckle at the situation.

"Well more than angry you're just hungry.. Come let's eat first..

"Aunl I love you.. Bul you can'l coax me wilh food loday..

"It's cause you miss Your Momma?..

She bite her lower lip, then look down feeling aggrieved. Riya felt these days Aadhya is growing moody, and that can't be cause of Siya being busy or absent mind due to case. There have to be something bothering her. But she cannot know unless Aadhya tell her.

"Did Someone bullied you?..


"You injure yourself playing?


"Then what's wrong?..

"Momma don'l love me anymole.. Befole coming hele she always spenl lime wilh me.. Bul now she don'l..

Caressing her head while sitting on couch besides her, Riya listen to her Niece calmly then responded firmly In order to make her understand.

"That's cause she's busy.. Before I remain busy now I've time and here..

"No, she's mole allenlive lo Shaulya lhan me..

"I see, so my little princess is jealous hm.. But don't you like being with Shaurya?..

"I do, bul he's laking my momma away..

"Oh is that so, then we won't let him come here anymore ok?..

"Nol okay..


"If he won'l come, lhan his daddy won'l come eilhel..

A smirk appear on her face listening Aadhya words, so they're in team at one thing. Both of them likes the arrival of Samrat. Why won't she? As child she seek warmth of fatherly figure. Samrat provide that, and as sister she wish for her sister's happiness. And she know only Samrat can keep her sister happy. 

"I've plan to help you keep your momma and his daddy..

"Leally? Whal's lhe plan?

Aadhya asked enthusiastically to which Riya speak in her ear. Hearing her plan at first Aadhya got extremely happy but then frown.

"What didn't liked it?..

"Aunl If I do lhis he will became my daddy.. Lhen whal aboul my leal daddy?

"You.. Do you want to be with your real Daddy?..

"No.. Momma lold me, he hull hel.. So I don'l wanl lo be wilh him..

Feeling Relieved she exhale sharply, or she didn't knew what she would've done. If Aadhya said she wanted to be with the men who hurt her sister. But now knowing she doesn't she got happy.

"Bul aunl, I jusl wanl lo know aboul you know who's my Daddy?

Yes I do, how I cannot? when your mother is fighting with him for you and herself. She thought inwardly but feeling conflict on how to answer the question of her Niece. One side it's better for Siya to tell her, but on other side she know Siya won't be able to tell her. Now looking at Aadhya she know she won't ask her mother about him either.

"Whal's his name, ol how he look like? Does he know aboul me? Ol wanl me?

"You Remember the men, who owe you price at Quiz competition?..

Aadhya gazed at her aunt in daze, once recalling the men she mention about she nodded but a trace of sadness begin to appear on her face as she replied.

"Yes I do... He look me oul, by lying lo me.. Bul why we'le lalking aboul him?.

"His name, is Abhimaan Sehgal and he's your Father..

" If I Go wilh him, Momma will lel me go? Will she come wilh me?..

"Unfortunately No..

"Lhal mean Momma and Fathel can'l be logelhel.. Even fol me?..

Riya nodded, making Aadhya look down, then burst out crying. Riya understood her grievance and let her cry without stopping her.

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