He believed he was an aromantic all this time, setting aside the bare thoughts of love. It was the same old shit again and again, burst of colours, light of my life.

It was just so boring.

That's why he found peace within science, always exciting and enthralling. Maybe he just didn't have his own experience, that's why he found it a waste of time.

It was different with her. As much as it is cringe to say it, Senku's life really did explode with a whole load of feelings, some he's never had before.

For the first time, something other than science took the entire hold of his brain. The rational part telling him to focus, but the other one telling him to look at no one but her.

Even while working on the tank, his mind went towards her thighs. So perfect and soft, giving him spasms. Her body against his, though their height wasn't that apart.

This is stupid, he's repeating his thoughts now.

Next time, he's personally making her a longer skirt. If he was gazing, what about others? Especially Ginro, who was known to have a perverted mindset.

The decision was hard but it was for the best, until he knew [Name]'s actual feelings. Even though he had discovered the bubbling emotions, his number one priority was restoring humanity and nothing could distract him from it.

"Yeah Kohaku said she would appreciate the company" he blatantly lied and gulped. She stared at him for a moment, sceptical but regardless agreed on the short detour. She had much longed for gossip to catch on with her newfound best friends.

She grabbed her essentials and skipped towards the village. Senku watched her leave through the window and let out a sigh. He was startled when he saw Gen pop out of nowhere. Just looking at the mentalist's face made him want to slap him.

"Spare me your incoming teasing" he rested his head against the floor. He could already predict what was going to come out of the mentalist's mouth.

"I was going to say nothing of the sort. But you know Senku-chan," he sat against the wall and curled up his knees to get warmth. "Both you and [Name] chan act so oblivious to each other's feelings" he sighed.

"Makes the rest of us jealous at how well y'all get along. Like a whole ass oil rigged machine"

"Speaking of an oil rigged machine, I've finished the interior of the tank" Senku grinned widely and showed Gen the pages of drawings.

"WHY ARE YOU SHOWING ME AS IF I UNDERSTAND?" Gen barked at Senku, who innocently dropped the paper with a tear in his eye.

"Did you know what happened at the Tsukasa empire?" The dual haired male questioned him, curious if [Name] had it revealed yet.

"Well yeah, she just got us intel" Senku shrugged and inserted his pinky into his ear. There was nothing more to the story, at least from what he heard.

"So she didn't" Gen chuckled slightly before looking at him. "Tsukasa and [Name] kissed each other" Gen's eyes held a half lidded look as his lips curled into a smirk.

"Oh that's nice" Senku looked back at the pages and adjusted some measurements. As soon as the ink scratched the surface, his heart squeezed at the thought of her in Tsukasa's arm.

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